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it was in the middle of the night when flor had woke up, for no reason in particular. but when fluttering her eyes open, she realized she fell asleep in clays arms. she felt her heart race, looking up to see him fast asleep but his arms were still secure around her.

florence couldn't describe how extremely safe she felt, and it saddened her that he'd be leaving in a few hours. so she made the best out of his company by putting her head back down on his chest and putting her arms around him.

clay had woke up a few hours later, and when reaching over to grab his phone, he made sure to not make such sudden movement in attempt to not wake flor up. which he did successfully, checking the time to see 7:34am.

he cursed under his breath, seeing multiple calls and messages from the group chat sapnap and george have. clay knew he'd get practically get scolded at by sapnap seeing as he'd warned him they'd leave to the airport fairly early.

but when looking down at florence, clay couldn't help but wonder, what if i just stayed? he felt his heart skip when watching how at peace she looked while sleeping.

clay sighed knowing he couldn't, he felt horrible when slipping out of her embrace and getting up.

he smiled a bit, satisfied he didn't wake her up. when putting on his shoes and grabbing his jacket, he made his way out.

walking out he sees niki in the kitchen, she glances over with wide eyes. "oh, hi clay. you're still here?"

closing flor's door softly, he chuckled, "yeah. she fell asleep on me which was.. amazing honestly."

"aren't you leaving today?"

"yeah.. yeah i am." he frowned a bit.

niki gives a sympathetic smile, "if it makes you feel any better, she'll miss you a lot. i've truly never seen her so happy, and it's nice you've been doing that. i appreciate it."

he shook his head, "i don't need praise. i just really care about her.." admitting with a shade of pink creeping on his cheeks.

( is this character development 🤨🤨😳 )

"good, because she cares about you a lot as well. but anyway, have a good flight. tell george and sapnap i say hello."

"i will. bye, thank you niki."

and with that he made his way out. it almost felt wrong to him to leave without saying goodbye to flor, but he felt like this was easier. leaving with no goodbye.

"bro, what the hell, it's eight! i told you we had to be at the airport early!" sapnap huffed as he saw clay walk through the front door, clearly tired and upset.

"sorry i—"

"florence, huh?" george asked as he put his shoes on.

clay didn't respond, only going to the guest bedroom where he had been staying and packed his things quickly. sapnap leans on the door frame watching him do so, "why do you look so sad?"

george stands behind sapnap, glancing over to see what he was seeing. "yeah... he's gotta point. everything okay?"

"yeah fine." clay cleared his throat, zipping up his luggage and standing it up. "i'm ready to go."

sapnap and george merely glanced at each other, acknowledging that there was something evidently bothering their friend. "we're not leaving til you tell us something," sapnap notified, george nods in agreement. "yeah, cmon clay, somethings up."

when clay looked up to meet their eyes, they noticed sadness glinted in them. "it's florence.."

sapnap sighs, his shoulders eased. "of course it's about her. look, you'll see her soon."

"yeah but you guys aren't dating so why are you so worried?" george questioned, clay shrugged. "i don't know! there's something about her.."

"something about her that makes her different?" sapnap finished, "you said that about previous girlfriends."

"no, you dont understand, she's different different. not in the ways those other girls were. they cant even compared to her.." he expressed, but sighs noticing how unbothered his friends seemed. "forget it, let's go."

clay dragged his luggage out as well as a backpack out of the room, walking past his two friends. it was now clear to them how much flor meant to him.

back to florence, this was about three hours later when she officially woke up for the day. she slightly panicked when seeing that clay was no longer with her, bur she remembered he had to leave.

without saying goodbye?

she sighed, attempting to shrug it off by going on her phone. flor wasn't going to lie, some part of her hoped he at least sent a text. but that he did not do. she frowned.

normally, florence was the one to message and say ' have a safe flight ' . but some part of her wanted to be petty, why did he just leave without saying anything? it kept bugging at her. she groaned into her pillow, frustrated.

"hey flor.." she heard niki knock on the door and walk in, "oh— uh, i was wondering if you wanted to go get some coffee?"

florence sat up, seeing her friend all ready to go. she forced a small smile, "yeah why not."

"cool." she grinned.

to which she got ready and then the two made their way to the familiar: kristin's cafe. flor recalled days prior, how clay was at this same place as well.

they ordered their coffee and took a seat at a small table to enjoy it as well as talk.

"you know when ants wander around, do you think they like have best friends or something and get worried if they lose them in a colony?" flor asked, niki chuckled.

( this conversation is beyond random bare w me it's like 1am 🙄. )

"that's weird, i've never thought about that. i mean maybe, yeah?"

flor laughs, she covers her mouth. "sorry i just thought about when they find each other again they're like, no way you won't believe what happened.."

the two best friends laughed at the thought, "that's actually quite cute though!"


author speaks!
the last part was kinda
random i'm sorry NSMSSN

but yes yes i hope you enjoyed:)

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