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"why were you wearing that stupid disguise you moron." florence asked, looking up at clay.

he shrugged with a small laugh, "i don't know. match voice with face type of thing?"

"guess so."

"soo.." he glanced down at flor, "how was your class?"

"it was okay."

"did you do that paper?"

"yeah i cried for a while, but i got it done."

"what? you have a crippling fear of failure too?"

florence shot him a glare, "do you ever just.. think?"

"IM RIGHT ARENT I?!" his eyes widened, mostly with excitement of how much he's figuring her out.

"shove off." she looked away with embarrassment.

"i think i should take a shot at being a.. what are you going to be?"

"i don't know what i want to be."

"you don't?"

"yeah not exactly, im stuck between two careers."

"that's okay," he reassured, "but at least you knew enough that you wanted to help others."


clay and florence continued to walk, and it was clear to him that she didn't want to really continue conversation.

he began to wonder if it was something he said, or whether she really didn't like him after all. but all of those thoughts quickly went away as fast as they came when she said, "how long are you going to be here for?"

"what makes you think i'm not from here?"

she looks over to him, looking at him up and down, just trying to mess with him. "it's pretty clear."

"you're so mean!" clay laughed, slightly shoving her playfully. flor couldn't hold back her chuckle, and he noticed this. he smiled contently as he took a sip of his coffee.

"i'm leaving in a few days. are you gonna miss me?" he smirked, she rolled her eyes, "no, relieved most likely. so you can stop following me around."

clay let's out a laugh, "one of these days you're gonna miss me and be like clay come backk! i miss you clayyy!!" he teased.

florence laughs, "only in your dreams, clay."

he liked the way she said his name. it made his heart do a flip. though he was always one to mock british accents, he found hers cute. "you're right, you're in my dreams."

she shook her head holding back her smile, "you're something else." they had arrived at her and niki's flat. "would you like to come in?" she offered, some part of her wanted him to say yes.

𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞 ; 𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚 Where stories live. Discover now