Chapter 4

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Authors note:

Hello my wonderful readers! I'm so sorry for the long wait but here is chapter 4! I haven't been writing lately so I apologize if this chapter isn't as good. You're feedback is always welcomed and appreciated. Thank you so much for your support <3



About a month has passed since school began and most people are already used to their school routine. Most people, except for Luffy that is.

"I assume you already know why you're here." Principal Iceburg began as Luffy sat on the other side of him. This was the 5th time Luffy had been called to his office, and just like the other times, he had no clue why he was in trouble.

"You have yet to turn in any of your homework this week, and-"

"Wha- We had homework?" Luffy asked, genuinely confused.

Iceburg sighed but continued.

"And all of your teachers have reported that you've either been eating, talking, or drawing in class. This kind of behavior is unacceptable and needs to change."

"Agh! I'm sorry alright! It's not my fault that class is too long!" Luffy replied with a pout.

"Sorry doesn't cut it. You are failing all of your classes, so I've taken it upon myself to sign you up for our schools tutoring program. It's everyday after school until 5."

"Every day?! No way, old man. I'll do better, I promise. But I can't stay at school until 5!"

School was already dreadfully long, so staying until 5 was a nightmare to Luffy.

"I've already contacted your grandfather, so-"

"YOU WHAT?!" Luffy yelled in disbelief. He didn't want to stay at school, but now he was too scared to go home either.

"Do NOT raise your voice at me!" Iceburg retorted. "You better stay after school or you will reap the consequences."

At this point Luffy was no longer listening, but rather contemplating his odds of survival should he run away from home.

The sound of the door opening interrupted his thoughts and he was surprised to see Hammock from his study hall.

"You wanted to see me?" She enquired as she entered the room.

"Ahh yes, but I still have time with this student. Your meeting isn't for another 20 minutes, Hancock."

"I don't have the patience to wait any longer. Let's begin now." She replied. Hancock hated waiting.

"I'm sorry but-" Iceburg began.

"Hammock has a meeting now? That's fine, we're done anyway!" Luffy declared as he stood to his feet. This was his opportunity to escape.

"No actually there are still a few things that I want to discuss-"

"See you later!" Luffy couldn't think of any other excuse, so he just ran away.


Nefertari Vivi likes to think of herself as a good person. She tries to be humble, honest, and understanding, and hopes that others perceive her that way as well. Little does she know, however, that lately her classmates have seen her as anything but those things.

"So Sai." Vivi began, surprising Sai who was studying in the library. "I hear that you and Baby 5 are close..."

"Yeah I guess..." he replied slowly. "Why do you care...?"

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