Chapter 6

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One of the highlights of each school year is the Charlotte family's annual Halloween party. Considering, how many people are in the Charlotte household, it's not surprising that this highschool bash has been going on for generations. An invitation to this event is like the ticket of the century.

"Y-y-you're really inviting me?!?!?!" Sanji could barely believe, that the prettiest girl in his home ec. class, Charlotte Pudding, was inviting him to their Halloween Party. He was expecting to have to beg for an invitation, but she was just handing one to him.

"Of course, Sanji!" Pudding told him sweetly. "I'm inviting all of my friends!"

'We're friends?!' He thought to himself. Sure, they had spoken a couple of times (mostly because of class), but he hadn't even dared to think that she would consider him her friend.

"Of course I'll be there!!" He shouted intensely, surprising Pudding.

"Really? I'm so glad..." She told him. Sanji noticed that she was blushing slightly, and this caused his mind to run wild.

'Could she be....interested in me...?!'

His thoughts were interrupted by the bell.

"Ahh! Well, I'll see you later, Sanji." Pudding said before running off.

Sanji was elated. Finally it seemed like a girl actually wanted to be around him. He had always admired Pudding for her talent in baking, but now that he really thought about it....

"Maybe this feeling is love!!" He said aloud. "I now see why a blockade was set between me and the senior ladies... Pudding needs me!!"

"Will you please go to your next class?" His teacher asked.

However, Sanji could not hear a thing, but was rather planning out how he would ask Pudding on a date.


"And just like that, she gave me an invitation!" Luffy ate his lunch as he listened to Sanji tell his friends about this Halloween thing going on.

"Is this party really that great?" Usopp enquired.

"It's more than great it's-it's- well actually. This is my first year being invited..." Sanji admited with a sheepish grin.

"Eh, it's okay." Zoro chimed in.

Sanji despised the fact that Zoro had been invited every year, but he wasn't going to let that ruin the happiness he was feeling in this moment.

"The foods pretty great though." Zoro added as he stared absentmindedly across the room.

"Really?! Aw man I hope I get invited!" Luffy said dreamily as he imagined what different foods might be at the party.

"C'mon Luffy, there's no way that two nameless freshman would be invited to this. It seems like a pretty big deal." Usopp told him with a sigh.

"Maybe you guys can be someone's plus one!" Perona said as she walked up to their group.

"Zoro!" Luffy looked at Zoro with pleading eyes.

"Ahh sorry." Perona spoke up once again. "He's already taking me!"

"Sanji!!" Luffy tried once more.

"Eh?! There's no way you would be my plus one! Then I'd be responsible for whatever chaos you create!" Sanji knew better than to let Luffy go to one of these things.

Luffy moped, defeated. If the food was really that great, then of course he would want to be there! But if there was really no way to go then he supposed that it would be okay. He and Usopp could still hang out.

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