Chapter 3

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Saturdays are for Salome, and every one in the Boa household knows so. That’s why when Granny Nyon told Hancock to pick up her medicine from the pharmacy, she threw a fit.

“Why didn’t you ask me to go while I was out yesterday?!” Hancock cried.

“It just slipped my mind! Can’t you do this one thing for me? I’m very busy today.” The old lady tried to reason with her, but knew how stubborn the girl was.

“Sandersonia or Marigold can do it!”

“They aren’t even here! They have a Judo tournament this weekend!”

“No, you just hate me!” Hancock accused, while pointing a finger at Granny Nyon. “I bet you’re jealous of how young I am, and don’t want me to be happy. You don’t want me to spend time with my beloved Salome!”

“Please, child. I really need-”

“No! No NO NO NO-”

This went on for an hour. However, after Granny Nyon threatened to call pest control to take Salome, Hancock cursed the old woman and relented.


The Going Merry Diner is Luffy and his friends go to spot for eating out. Usopp in particular, enjoys seeing his neighbor, Kaya who works there. However, he regrets mentioning that he kind of has a crush on her, because now Sanji feels the need to offer his unsolicited advice.

“Alright, Usopp. She obviously thinks you’re a great friend, but you need to make a distinction between being there for her, and being there for her. You know what I mean?”

“Um no. I don’t.” Usopp was not interested in this conversation.

“Well you can’t just be at her beck and call! Sure, you guys are friends, but what you want to be, is someone who is always there, but not someone who is just there.” Sanji tried to explain.

“Food! Food! Food! Food!” Luffy chanted as he waited for the waitress to return.

“Listen, Sanji. I appreciate it. I really do. But-” Usopp began.

“No one wants your dumb advice, love cook.” Zoro interrupted.

“Hah?! What’s that, Marimo?!” Sanji shot back as he stood up from his booth seat.

Zoro did the same. “No. One. Cares. Love cook.”

“What the- Will you two sit down! You’re making a scene!” Perona spoke up.

“Of course, Perona-san~” Sanji said and sat back down.

Zoro rolled his eyes and did the same. “What are you even doing here?” He asked Perona.

“Excuse me?! I’m not going to drive you all the way here, and just leave!”

“Whatever.” Zoro mumbled and crossed his arms.

“FOOOD!” Luffy yelled as Kaya and two other waitresses brought their meals.

The five friends ate and talked about various things that came to mind. That is, until Luffy notices a certain girl enter the cafe.

“Oh it’s Hammock.” He said as he continued stuffing his face.

All of them looked up and were surprised to see Boa Hancock sitting at a table on the opposite side of the diner. She was glaring at a white paper bag that she was holding and looked very...angry.

“Oh great.” Zoro sighed. “Luffy, Usopp. Let me warn you now. That’s one girl you do not want to get involved with. She’s the meanest, brattiest, most annoying person I have ever me-”

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