Chapter 14

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As Nami and Sanji entered the buzzing cafeteria, they were met with the usual busy chatter and banter throughout the room. The scent of chili cheese fries wafted past Nami's nose, causing her stomach to growl. As her hand tightened around her lunch box strap, she remembered how Vivi always told her to stay away from the unhealthy food here.

Her eyes scanned the lunch room, and just like any other day, everyone was in their usual spot.

On the west side of the lunch room near the exit to the hall way was Buggy's group. Buggy, and his weird looking friends were always the loudest and messiest, but it didn't take long for Nami to learn how to tune them out. As if on cue, Buggy and a usually very quiet guy began arguing before engaging in an arm wrestling battle. Nobody paid them any mind.

On the days when Vivi was in student council meetings, Nami would usually eat lunch with some of the popular Junior girls. They were pretty sweet and really liked Nami, but she couldn't help but feel like she was being fake with them. They were the girls who had their lives together. They've all already been in several relationships, and although it isn't their fault, Nami can't help but feel behind when she's with them.

Although Nami tried to relate to them and truly wished she could, she would always end up putting on a fake persona. And today she just didn't have the energy to do that. 

And that's why she wanted to try sitting with Luffy, and his friends. Nothing seemed to be too much for them, and she's already been spending a lot more time with them, soo why not?

"Nami-san?" Sanji's voice snapped her away from her thoughts.

"Oh- uh yeah?" She stuttered.

"I was just asking if you are feeling alright?" Sanji asked softly. "You haven't spoken much since we left the classroom."

"Oh sorry, just lost in thought! Lead the way!" 

Although he seemed a bit concerned, he gave her a little smile before walking towards their table once more.

Sanji was always such a gentleman and part of Nami felt bad for always planning to take advantage of that kindness. She made a mental note to be extra nice to him today.

As they made their way over to the table closest to the vending machines, Nami tried to ignore the table she and Vivi usually sat at - the table that her friends from last year ruled. She quickly pushed those thoughts away as they were greeted by three faces with vastly different expressions.

One of excitement.

"WHA- Nami you're sitting with us today?? Cool!!" The doe-eyed Luffy exclaimed, his mouth full of fries. 

One of slight terror.

"Oh h-hey Nami." Usopp half grinned as he shifted uncomfortably.

And one of disgust.

"Who the hell said you could sit with us?" Oh right. That idiot, Zoro, is one of their friends.

Nami plopped into the chair Sanji pulled out for her, and gave him a reassuring look so he wouldn't lash out at Zoro.

"Hello boys, I'm your guest for today. Make sure to make me feel welcome." She teased with a wink.

"Woooo! Go Nami-swaaan!"

Well, she'll definitely be entertained today.


The art of aloofness. The type of person who is stoic and doesn't care what's going on, as long as things don't get in their way. The mysterious air about them draws people to them, in a way that's incomprehensible. An aloof girl is the type of girl Zoro would fall for. Perona was sure of it.

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