Chapter 13

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The cold weather has officially set in. While the few leaves left on the tree's indicated that it was still Autumn, Winter was definitely on her way. But despite the crispness in the air, there was a warmth to Vivi's cheeks and her lips were turned into a rosy smile.

Nami could tell that something was… off about her these past few days. Not only was she in an unusually good mood, but yesterday she was humming while doing her homework. And today, on this frigid morning, there was almost a skip in her step as the two girls walked to school. 

"Your new jacket is really cute." Nami complimented, as she walked beside her best friend.

"You think so?" Vivi asked with a smile, as she eyed her white coat.

"Yeah it's perfect for this cold weather we're getting." Nami continued, trying to seem nonchalant. 

"Mm, I agree." The bluenette hummed.


She was grateful that Vivi's sour mood of almost half a year had vanished, and that they were talking again, and Nami was going to let her reveal in her own time why there was a sudden change… 

But she's too impatient for that. 

"You know, you still haven't told me why I had to cover for you the other night." Nami began as she shoved her gloved hands into her pockets. "Did... something happen?"

Vivi's blush seemed to deepen for a moment as her lips parted to answer Nami's question.

"Mm I suppose." Is all she said. Still smiling, she folded her hands behind her back and quickened her pace.

"Seriously?? I already know it has to do with Ace, so spill." Nami admitted as she tried to match the girl's speed.

Vivi stopped abruptly at the sound of Ace's name. 

"What makes you think it's about him?" She asked without turning around. 

Maybe I should've been more discreet.

"It's just a guess, really. Luffy got a similar text you sent me but from Ace so…" She slowly explained. Now that Vivi was in a good mood, Nami didn't want to set her off again, so she figured she shouldn't say too much just yet. "I… just put two and two together."

"I see…" and almost awkward silence filled the air, but only for a moment. "Well you're correct."

Vivi turned to face her. Nami was almost stunned by the look on her face. Her strict, no-nonsense friend looked...embarrassed. Avoiding eye contact with Nami, the girl slightly swayed back and forth. Her face, the same crimson hue as before.

"Ace and I are… back together I guess." She finally admitted.

It took a moment for Nami to react, but when she did-

"EEEH FOR REAL?!?!" The orangette bounced around her blushing friend, with as much excitement as ten brides on their wedding day. Of course, she had suspected as much, but hearing her friend confirm it after all this time was almost surreal. 

"So did you sleep with him??" Nami enquired a little too loudly, earning the attention of a few passerbys.

Vivi's face somehow grew redder as she hushed her younger friend.

"Can you not tell the entire world about my sex life?!" Vivi whisper-yelled, as she avoided eye contact with some of the few schoolmates that passed them.

"S-sorry…" Nami apologized. "...So you did have sex...?" 


Nami was fully aware about how far Vivi and Ace had gone in the past, but was slightly surprised that they did it again so soon. Maybe that's why she was in such a good mood.

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