Chapter 11

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The Grand Line is a large Island that is divided into the North, South, East, West, and the center which is the Capital. Depending on the area and subsets of the area, one will be met with many different cultures, races, and ways of life. It is essentially a melting pot of both the surrounding Islands and Island from afar.

In the east, there lies a small rural village. Due to the low population, it isn't even on the map of the island. What's unique to this village however, is that it is essentially a safe haven for orphans. This is where Zoro grew up.

Every day, Zoro lived as he wanted, completely free of responsibility. And despite every decision being his own, he always had a sense of discipline in whatever he did.

Whether that was teaching himself to swim, hunt, or finding a mentor for himself, he put 100% into any skill he wanted to learn.

When he moved to the center of the island, the Grand Line's Capital, it was rather jarring at first. Those who have only lived in the Capital, don't have a sense of how culturally diverse the Island really is.

Despite the many attractions and seemingly endless activities, there was no sense of belonging.

It took him an entire year to be comfortable living there, and it was entirely because of the friends he made.

Perona, Sanji, Luffy, Usopp… it was because of them that Zoro finally felt at home.


Zoro opened his eyes abruptly, as the train jolted to a stop. Had he fallen asleep…? How many hours has it been? Zoro looked outside to see the orange and pink sky. It was sunset.

The train's whistle sounded as a sign for the passengers to get off.

"I guess this is the place…" he yawned.

As he stood to his feet, he noticed that the train was completely empty. The same as when he boarded it.

He looked around as exited the train, his eyes falling upon the only people in sight.

A tall woman with long black hair, and an even taller man with matching black hair in a bun. They both wore black suits.

'Who are these people…' Zoro almost said aloud.

They glared at him with intent eyes before the man spoke up.

"Are you the one Mihawk sent?" His accent was definitely foreign, but somehow Zoro recognized it… without a doubt he heard it elsewhere.

"Yeah, that's me." He answered with the same intenseness. Something about them convinced him not to let his guard down.

"Then follow us." The woman spoke up. The pair turned away and walked towards a small black car.

All Zoro could do was smirk, as he followed behind.

This was going to be interesting.


Tapping her foot outside her ex-boyfriend's house, Vivi contemplated her life choices. In what dimension had she been in when she thought confronting him in person would be a good idea?

Nothing had changed in that last six months. He was obviously still an idiot. The same idiot who broke- tore her heart apart. He hurt her. There's no way around that fact. 

She wanted him out of her life. The way he confronted Bellamy was completely out of line, and she had to make that clear.

The door swung open, revealing a now fully clothed Ace.

"Uhh come in?" He smiled awkwardly. Was he seriously blushing?

She rolled her eyes and pushed past him, and into the living room. As she expected, nothing had changed. It was obvious that no women lived here. If anything, the house was more of a man cave, than a home.

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