Chapter 7

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He tied her hands and legs, covered her mouth to muffle her screams, and carried her deep into the woods until he reached the house where he would have grown up, had it not been for the tragedy that had befallen his pack

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He tied her hands and legs, covered her mouth to muffle her screams, and carried her deep into the woods until he reached the house where he would have grown up, had it not been for the tragedy that had befallen his pack.

He set her down and made her look inside one of the windows of the house. Her eyes widened with surprise when she saw over a hundred wolves lying dead on the floor. The wolves were once Ethan's family and friends until they were frozen in time.

"They're not dead", Ethan said. "They've been sleeping for a long time."

He took her to the nearest tree and tied her to it. Olivia watched as he took a lighter out of his pocket. He was lighting up a cigarette when his dark hair fell over his eye. Pushing them aside he moved to uncover her mouth to let her speak.

"What the hell do you want?" She said, cringing as she was forced to inhale the smoke. "Let me go! Or else...or else..." She left her sentence hanging.
"Or what?" He said puffing the cigarette again. "Shh... you should relax, I'm not gonna hurt you...yet."

She looked like she could start crying at any moment now. He hated wailing.

"There's no reason to be scared", he tried to say in a calm voice. "Let me introduce myself again. I'm Ethan, a werewolf."

"I don't care about who you are! I'm going to kill you! Let me free and we'll see who stands!" Anger surged in the air around her.

"Oh, we'll definitely see who kills whom in a few minutes." He let out a fake laugh.

"What do you want from me?"

She knew she would surely get out of this predicament. All she had to do was to stall him for a while with her pointless questions.

"Lemme explain. Years ago your witch mother cast a spell on my pack... You're a witch by the way." He said, getting sidetracked.

"I know I'm a witch, dumbf*ck."

He sighed. "Anyway, your mom cast a spell on my pack, but the spell rebounded. It killed your mother and put the wolves of my pack to sleep. You have two options. Either reverse the spell that your mother had cast or I'm going to kill you. You have 5 minutes to decide."

"But I don't know anything about magic. I was only able to discover that I'm a witch through my mother's diary. I had no one to teach me. You know, my parents are dead, right? I had no one to look after me. How bout we negotiate? If you let me go I'll learn how to reverse the spell and help you revive your pack."

"Tempting. You almost had me emotional there for a second. I strongly relate to having no family. Of course, I wouldn't have been by myself if it hadn't been for your mother and her pathetic nature of meddling into somebody else's business. As much as I want to kill you, I want the spell reversed first. You see that blue moon?" He pointed to the bright moon in the sky with a dim tint of blue on it. "Your witch mother cast the spell on a blue moon and it can only be reversed under the same circumstances. Some would say this opportunity comes once in a blue moon."

She cringed and internally gagged at his terrible pun.

"You can't get away with this. You think people won't notice if I suddenly went missing?" She asked.

"Elliot will take care of that. He's a vampire. I'm sure you've figured that out by now. He will erase you from everyone's memory or make them think that you have moved somewhere far away and shall never return. I don't think anyone will miss you though. I've been watching you for days and I think your stepmother would rather be pleased to have you gone, and your only two friends seem to enjoy each other's company without you. You'll be remembered by no one except me."

"You're cruel", she said as tears filled her eyes. But this was no time to cry. She had to focus all her energy on channeling her powers.

"So what's it gonna be?" He said, putting out the cigarette beneath his foot.

She sighed and said, "I cannot do magic. If I could, the first thing I'd do is burn my stepmother. But she's still alive, which is proof enough of my lack of powers. "

"Option 2 it is then. I'm gonna have to kill you. I hope you understand it's nothing personal."

"Absolutely," she said as blue flames rose from her fingers and melted the ropes, thus freeing her from his bounds.

The flabbergasted look on his face was worth toying with him. She pushed him using all her power, making his body hit the wall behind him with a thud, smashing a window. She picked up a rock and hit his head with it until he passed out.

Running with all her might she thought about her shitty house and how glad she would be to be in it. She was even ready to tolerate her stepmother if it meant for her to safely reach home. She ran, thinking that she would be close to home with every step, but in reality, she couldn't be further away. Unknowingly she had been submerging deeper into the woods. By the time she realized her fault, she was too exhausted to turn around.

The darkness had engulfed her despite the faint light from the moon. The sinister trees questioned her knowledge of reality and myth. In spite of knowing for years that she had magical powers, she chose to live in denial, until now. She was one step away from diving into the supernatural world and she was well aware of it by being surrounded by the forest that put a question mark on her education. The cold and wet atmosphere sent a chill down her spine.

Scared and alone, she had now started wishing for her abductor's company. The sounds of the forest induced horror inside of her. She kept walking, however, thinking it would be too dangerous to stay in one place.

A sudden sound of a twig breaking caught her ears. She didn't dare to turn around. Her heart felt like it was eager to escape its cage. The sound was heard again and this time she didn't hesitate for a second to run as fast as she could. She ran, feeling like her legs would break apart. Every step was a gamble and a risk.

She couldn't see clearly because of the darkness and ended up tripping on a rock.

She passed out, but not before she felt a dark presence looming over her.


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