Chapter 33

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Victor's heart raced extremely fast as he ran out of the house and onto the quiet street. He slowed his pace and walked instead, seeming to have calmed down now. The street was void of any humans; the only sound came from the chirping birds that flew away when the wind blew. The leaves on the ground ruffled due to the wind.

Victor shoved his hands in the pocket of his black jacket and increased his pace to reach home quickly, though he suddenly stopped in his tracks when he noticed a member from his former pack waiting on the corner of the street. With slow and watchful steps he approached his former friend.


Back in Natalie's room, a flustered and embarrassed Olivia stammered, "I'm gonna take off too." She began to walk out of the room when Natalie grabbed a hold of her arm.

"You've already chased him off." She stated as she dragged Olivia back into her room, "what's the point of leaving now?"

"I'm sorry about that." Olivia started, "I didn't..." she stopped mid-sentence when something caught her eye. She walked over to the side table and picked up the letter. "You got accepted?" She asked looking at Natalie with a surprised expression.

"Yeah," Natalie replied while smiling from ear to ear. "I was going to tell you."

"Congratulations", Olivia skipped over to her and gave her a bear hug.

Natalie laughed happily. "Thank you!"

Olivia moved away a few seconds later and said, "that... that means... you are gonna leave." A lone tear filled her eye and almost slipped out. "I'm not gonna get to see you as often", she said as sadness washed over her.

"That's a given," Natalie stated. "But you're gonna leave too, right?"

Olivia's palms started sweating as she thought about her future. "Umm... I don't know yet... I still have a couple of interviews lined up. But I think it's hopeless."

Natalie shook her head.

"No, don't say that. You are smart and intelligent. You'll get in. I'm sure of it," she said optimistically while having a huge smile on her face.
Olivia wanted to contradict her and say 'I don't think so', but she chose to stay silent.

Natalie plopped down on her bed letting out a sigh. She was thinking about Victor when she suddenly remembered the recent incident.

"Who's gay?" she asked as she lay sideways with one elbow supporting her head.

Olivia scoffed as she sat on the other side of the bed. "It's not important. What's going on between you and..."

"Victor. He is the guy I was talking about. I can't stop thinking about him and I really like him a lot," she said while taking a soft pillow and shoving her face in it; she let out a grunt, "which is why it's going to hurt like hell."

Olivia couldn't comprehend her muffled voice and asked, "what did you say?"

She removed her face from the pillow and said, "I'm going to break up with him."

"What? Why?" Olivia asked in a squeaky voice before she guessed the answer, "because you're moving away for college?"

"Yeah and... I can't do this. We did say that it was going to be casual but it doesn't feel like it's casual anymore."

"You like him, he likes you. Even if you move away you still might be able to work it out. I don't see what the problem is."

"Look around. Look at this giant room and this giant house where I live alone. My parents were supposed to set a good example for a healthy, loving relationship. But all they do is fight and I rarely get to see them anymore because they would rather stay away from each other than spend time with their daughter. I just don't see myself being with someone, ever, in the fear that I would end up like them. That is why I go on so many dates, have flings. I like having fun and moving on quickly."

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