Chapter 31

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The excruciating pain had caused all the wolves in the fighting pit to lose consciousness. As the faint morning sunlight washed over the sky, Victor opened his blue eyes, now having shifted back to his human form. In his surroundings were the other wolves laying on the ground looking like they were peacefully asleep. He slowly took a few steps towards Lillian and picked her tiny wolf up in his arms. With her in his arms, he walked over to Ethan and nudged his leg with his foot.

"Wake up," Victor whispered, trying not to catch the attention of the other wolves.

Ethan stirred and immediately covered his eyes due to the light. After a few seconds, he moved the palm of his hand from his eyes and saw a naked Victor standing over him with Lillian in his arms. At once Ethan rose to his feet, remembering the recent events that took place.

"We need to leave," Victor said.

Ethan nodded as they made their way out of the woods. When they reached the border of the pack Ethan stopped.

Victor looked back and asked, "what is it?"

In some distance, Ethan could see the burnt ruins of the pack as the cloud of smoke loomed over the land. "I can't leave without Olivia. I have to find her."

Looking at the dull cloud of smoke, Victor said, sympathizing, "there is no way for us to know where he took her." He looked at Ethan, "but we could start with his hospital."

Ethan nodded. "I'll go alone. You should take care of her," he said looking at Lillian.

"We are leaving as soon as I dress her wounds. Meet us back at the motel in an hour," Victor said before he sprinted off.

Ethan went looking for her unceasingly, running from one place to another, until exhaustion weighed on him. The thought that all his efforts might be in vain grieved him. He crossed the ruins of the burnt pack and stepped into the borders of the unaffected sleeping town. He searched inside the quiet hospital but couldn't find her. He went inside Dino's office and searched it, finding the address to his residence; however, a gut-wrenching feeling filled him when he found the house empty, and seemingly uninhabited. He felt like pulling his hair out and screamed due to the pent-up frustration.


Mico woke up alone, still reeling from the after-effects of the painful spell. His subordinates were missing, and so were Victor, Ethan, and Lillian. They were nowhere to be found. He turned around and saw Paxton's dead body. After blankly staring at it for a minute, he was once again filled with rage and balled his fists. He moved to Aubrey, who was still sleeping, with the intention of killing her. But he stopped when he saw the sleeping Alpha Auro.

Something shiny on the Alpha's finger caught Mico's eye which made him change the decision of killing his daughter.

Mico turned around and dragged his feet into the forest with thick, tall, green trees. He went in the direction of his pack but he stopped suddenly, bending over to cough. Kyle and Bran who had awoken before Mico followed their leader into the woods.

"Boss, are you okay?" Bran asked.

Mico stayed in the same position for a few seconds while catching his breath.

"We surveyed the area," Bran said. "56 of our members died in the battle- 35 women and 21 men. The rest have either journeyed back to the pack or are waiting on the outskirts for your orders."

Mico stood up straight with his back to his pack mates.

"Tell them to retreat to the pack at once," Mico said in a hoarse voice.

Bran nodded.

"What do you want us to do with the dead bodies?" Kyle asked.

"Leave them," Mico said. "Just gather the remaining ones and get out of here immediately."

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