Future Decisions

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"Will you tell me what happened back there?" Reed says, his hold tightening around me as if to reassure himself that I was really in his arms.

My eyes take in his face, the set of his jaw and without needed him to say it, I know what he is thinking. I can see the worry in his eyes as clearly as a flashing neon sign. He's confused but mostly scared that I'll run again. That whatever power is calling me, will call me away again and that he won't be able to find me.

I move to run my hand down his cheek, along his jaw before cupping his face and forcing him to look at me. He stops walking, his attention solely on me as we stand under the canopy of trees.

"I love you and I will never leave you," I hold his face in my hands willing him to see through me, willing him to look inside me for the truth behind my words.

He presses forward, his lips claiming my own in a brief moment before continuing to walk us through the woods.

"Penny?" Ian is the first one to see Reed and I step through the trees and into the yard of the packhouse.

He approaches us tentatively, checking over his shoulder to see where Jenna is. But of course, she heard him and is racing over to us. Reed sets me on my feet but keeps me within easy reach. 

"I'm sorry about tha-" my breath rushes out of my lungs in a huff as Jenna crashes into me. We would have fallen to the ground if Reed hadn't caught me at the last minute.

"I missed you!" She mumbled into my shoulder not showing any signs of letting go.

In my peripheral vision, I see the same shade of blue around her as around Ian, but then again we already knew that. I sense rather than see both Ian and Reed stepping a little closer, ready to pull us apart, wanting some attention or answers, maybe both.

"Aspen," I heard my mom's voice call me from the steps of the porch, my father standing with her arms around her as she reached a hand out for me. There is something about a mother, no matter how old you get. When she calls you, asks you to come you go and it's a better feeling than coming home. I can feel tears filling my eyes as I close the distance between us.

She envelops me into her arms as if I had never left. As if I were still that small pup who would curl against her for stories and nap times. Always safe, warm and loved no matter what the world outside had to bring.

"I've missed you, sweetie," she croons holding me tight against her before pulling away to look me over, "What's this on your skin?" I can hear the smile in her voice, but see Reed shift uncomfortably next to me, his eyes dropping to the floor.

"I'm only teasing," she says, moving to hug Reed as my father huffs.

I can't help but smile as my mom steps back, patting my father on his chest. As much as I want to sit and revel in the small things, the big things require our attention. There are things that need answers and really can't wait anymore to discuss.

"We have a lot to talk about," I say to no one in particular as it involves everyone, "Daddy, can you call Uncle Jack for a meeting? And Reed can you call Gage as well?"

I don't wait for their response as I loop my arm with my mom and walk with her into the house. Her grip is tight on mine as we walk, my head moving to lay on her shoulder. I should be content with being home, being safe with my family, and mate next to me, but there is a weight on my chest.

One day I will be left alone. I will lose those around me and be left here until I can pass on the locket to the next owner.

I can feel him following me. Feel his eyes tracking my movements like a predator keeping his prey within his reach. Whoever gets the locket next, I hope they're strong and I hope they'll be ready, because when I lose Reed, I will want to follow immediately.

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