Well, Damn

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The lawn outside Asher's pack house is crowded with people. Warriors from not only his pack but Reed's and my own linger about waiting for the journey to begin.

I'm still not to thrilled to be walking right back into the monster's den with Jaclyn, but there are no other choices.

Jaclyn knows that place the best and her best chance at survival is with me. They would kill her, or worse, as soon as they saw her. But with me, she has something Harley wants.

Hopefully it won't come to that though.

Reed's hand tightens around my waist as he pulls me against his side. Again.

He will not let me out of his grasp. I think he is just trying to reassure himself that I am still here, but he is being a little too overprotective.

I wanted to talk to some of the warriors from my pack but before I could take three steps away from him, he pulled me back.

Even when I tried to go sit with Jaclyn under a nearby tree, he tightened his grip on me.

I just don't like seeing her alone and now, she looks worse than before.

That stupid asshat of a Beta! Just thinking about him pisses me off! I just want to introduce him to my fist.

What really pisses me off though, is that I can see him stealing looks in her direction. Every time I catch him, I give him a death glare until he drops his eyes in shame.

Good. He should be ashamed.

Still, this is probably the fifth time I have caught him looking at her in the last three minutes.

Why are men so confusing? I want so bad to push Dylan's head through a wall, but then he goes and looks at Jaclyn like that.

Like she is the moon his wolf howls at.

Now all I want to do is encourage him to go and talk to her. I want to hope that maybe they can be together.

Jaclyn deserves a good mate that will love her.

"Come back to me," Reed's warm breath fans my cheek as he whispers in my ear.

I had been so focused on Jaclyn and her mate, that I hadn't noticed everyone leaving Reed and I alone.

His honey gaze meeting mine as I turn into him. I shiver as his hands follow slowly down the curve of my body before resting on my hips.

"I haven't left yet." I tease, moving my palms up his chest before latching behind his neck.

This is all I had wanted from a mate. The simplicity of just being with each other. Everything else, everyone else is not invited into our world.

"Reed, I just want you to know-"

"No," he cuts me off with a growl, "We're not doing that."

His eyes stare intensely into mine. The very look of him has my knees wobbling and if he wasn't already holding me, I'd probably be a puddle on the grass.

"But you-" My fingers play with the hair on the nape of his neck as I hold him tightly.

"Nothing is going to happen. I'll be right behind you." the promise is clear in his voice.

I want to argue with him. He hasn't met Harley. Reed doesn't know what that monster is capable of. Hell, even I don't know fully what he is capable of.

At the same time, I want to keep this moment. No worries, no fights. Just me and Reed holding each other.

My lips tingle in anticipation and I bite my lower lip as my gaze flickers to Reed's pink lips.

With a low and sexy growl, Reed finally closes the distance and captures my lips with his.

The kiss is slow and sweet but quickly turns to something much more passionate.

"That's still my daughter, Reed." I jump away in surprise at my dad's voice.

He stands behind Reed with something that looks like a smirk of satisfaction, but it quickly turns to a frown.

"It's time, sweetheart." I nod at him, before moving to give him a hug.

Maybe I am overreacting, I mean I know they will only be far enough away that Harley's men shouldn't pick up their scents. But I can't help but be weary of going back there.


Jaclyn and I walk in silence, our arms linked as we walk through the trees. I can't even imagine what is going through her head right now, but her hand hasn't stopped shaking since we started this journey.

I don't know how long it's been. When we left Asher's, the moon had just risen over the mountains. Now it sits above us like a flashlight, guiding our way through the trees.

"I never did ask you, how you're doing?" I don't know why I whispered, it's not like there is anyone around us.

I can feel her tense next to me for a moment, but it passes before she offers a shrug.

"I just want it over with so I can leave." my head nods along in understanding until her words register in my mind.

"Leave? Where are you going?"

Her eyes scan the dark woods, but I think she is just avoiding my gaze. It's like she thinks by looking at me, she will spill all her secrets to me.

Maybe she should though. Keeping them to herself can't do much good and maybe I can help.

"I-I don't know." She mumbles, clearing her throat as she steps over a large rock.

"Jaclyn, I know that Dylan said he reject-"

"He deserves a happiness that someone as broken as me can't give him. He made the right choice." despite her words, I see the tear fall from her eyes.

There is nothing I can say though. I want to tell her Dylan didn't mean it. That he wants Jaclyn and he was just overwhelmed by everything and didn't think. But I can't lie to her.

I don't know what Dylan thinks or feels. The only thing I know is what I have seen with my own and eyes and that is that he feels the pull.

What that means for them or where his feelings lie however, is something completely different.

Suddenly, Jaclyn stops, he hand gripping my wrist tightly as she takes a shuddering breath.

"They're here," her voice wobbles a little as her eyes focus on something just to the left of us.

I would know that sick smile anywhere and my stomach twists into knots. The familiar twinge of fear creeping up my spine.

This is what we wanted. This is all apart of the plan.

"My mate has returned to me," Harley's voice is like nails on a chalkboard and I shudder at wording, but he just continues to talk.

"And she's brought me a gift." my brows scrunch together and my hand tightens around Jaclyn.

I won't let him or any of his men hurt her. She is only here because of me and I will protect her. I step forward, just enough that I can angle Jaclyn behind me.

Harley's laugh echos through the trees as he steps closer to us. I don't want him anywhere near me, but I have to stick to the plan.

"Silly little mate. I don't give a shit about that little bitch." he grabs my arm and roughly pulls me towards him and away from Jaclyn.

My heart pounds in my chest and I try to pull my hand from his grip. But it's no use, there will be a bruise from how hard he is holding me right now.

Harley licks his lips and pulls me close enough to whisper in my ear. My wolf and my body repulsed by the closeness of his body to mine. Even his breath on my cheek makes me want to hurl.

"I meant that mutt whose mark you wear, following you in the woods."

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