Alpha's Orders

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Neither my dad nor Uncle Jack would tell me the plan.

They just keep saying if it is going to work, I can't know.

That's not ominous at all  Rose mutters.

It's the best we have right now, Rose.

I hate that I am in the dark on this plan.

Mostly, I am nervous. Reed is coming and Jackson is here.

What is going to happen when they meet? Reed already got possessive when Ian came around and he wasn't Jackson.

Speaking of Jackson, he is pissed.

Everytime he gets me in his sights, Jenna or Ian separate us. His frustration is clearly visible.

Maybe I need a nap or a shower. I head to my room, when a hand reaches out and grabs me around my wrist pulling me into a spare room.

"Finally, some alone time." Jackson brushes the hair out of my face with a smile.

I take a few steps away to him, much to his annoyance.

"We can't be alone together right now. Alpha's orders." my voice is small but I know he can hear me.

"The Alpha has no right to interfere with mates!" I could feel the anger radiating off of him in waves as I struggle to think of how to calm him down.

Jenna help me.

I know it isn't the bravest thing to call for help,  but I am nervous being alone with him right now.

"Our Alpha has his reasons." I say calmly and slowly.

His eyes darken as he steps closer to me. I try to step away,  but somehow I got cornered between the wall,  the bed and Jackson.

"He is not my Alpha. Nor does he have any power to keep me away from My mate." our chests are inches apart.

"He is doing what's best."

"Keeping me from you is what's best?!" He growls out.

"For right now at least"

He lifts his hands to rest on the wall on either side of my head,  effectively caging me in. 

My breath catches in my throat as my heart beat speed up.

Rose, what do I do?

Tell him the truth.  She responds. 

Tell him the truth? About the locket and the supposed power or about Reed. I notice him starting to lean closer to me,  his gaze flickering between my eyes and my lips.

Is he going to kiss me? Oh crap he is!

"I met another who claims I'm his mate!" I didn't mean to blurt it out like that,  I just panicked. 

Jackson freezes, noses practically touching. For a moment,  his eyes widened before growing darker than I have ever seen them.

I jump and a yelp escapes my lips when Jackson's fist goes through the wall by my head.

"You're mine!" he yells in face.

Rose can you call his wolf down?

No. His wolf is mad but he's telling me to stay out of it. 

"Aspen?" Ian's voice sends a wave of relief through my body. 

Jackson is pulled back by two hands and before I know it, Ian is standing between us.

"Maybe you should go for a run." Ian days slowly to Jackson.

"This is between me and my mate!"

"Alpha's orders. Besides, she hasn't accepted you yet." Ian's words send Jackson over the edge.

Jackson jumps towards Ian,  and immediately starts throwing punches. Ian is quick to respond and a little quicker than Jackson.

The again, Ian is going to be my Beta.

"Stop!" my voice was shaky as I yelled.

"Jackson! Ian!" I scream a good two octaves higher than normal,  but neither stopped their assaults.

Who is fighting and who is just defending themselves? If I could get Ian to stop fighting would Jackson continue?

Growls started to echo through the room. I scream again to no avail as I notice bother their forms beginning to shake violently. Shit, they're going to shift soon,  then I'd really be screwed.

"Jackson stop!" I screamed.

I tried to get closer to the fight, but somehow, when I was close,  someone pushed me away.

"ENOUGH!" my dads growl echoed through the room, shaking the windows slightly.

I was to ashamed to look at my dad so instead, I stared at the carpet like it was the most interesting thing. 

"What's going on here?" my dad demanded in his alpha tone.

"Jackson cornered Aspen and I was trying to separate them per your orders, Alpha." Ian reported dutifully.

My dad's gaze passed over Ian and Jackson before settling on me. His gaze softened when I finally looked up to meet his eyes.

He sighed heavily, looking back to the two male wolves in the room.

"Ian, you are to go relieve Max from patrol on the south side for the night." Ian nodded in acknowledgment while my dad continued "Jackson. You are to stay in your room until I send for you."

"You are not my Alpha!  You can not ground me like a child just because I want to spend time with my mate!" my jaw dropped as he took a step towards my dad.

Is he challenging the Alpha?

I don't answer Rose. Mostly because I am to shocked at the scene unfolding before me.

My dad's eyes darkened and he quickly closed the space between him and Jackson. He stood over him by a good 4 inches, but if Jackson was affected by it,  he didn't show it.

"You are in my pack house! On my pack territory! As such you will respect my wishes as Alpha!" he roared in anger.

"or are you challenging me?" his voice now a deadly calm.

Jackson stared emotionlessly at him for a few minutes before dropping his head in submission.

"That's what I thought. You are both dismissed." his tone left no argument.

After the door closed behind them,  a silence enveloped my dad's and I. Should I thank him for breaking up the fight or just ignore the matter?

"Kiddo, please stay in your room until I send for to as well. Male wolves are possessive. I can only imagine what can happen if left alone with one. Alpha Kennedy will be here in the morning and we will get to the bottom of this."

I nod at my dad in understanding. Male wolves are possessive and Jackson even more so. I get on my tip toes and kiss my dad on his cheek before leaving towards my room.

I just had a thought, Aspen.  What if neither of then are our mate?

I don't know.

Rose has a point though, what if they are both after the locket?

Rose whimpers at the thought and I silently agree with her cries.

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