Having to call home - Again

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Like a balloon being released in the air, I can feel myself being lifted out of the darkness that I have been trapped in.

It seems the higher I go, the more I begin to register.

It starts with pain. Like a pin ball that ricochets off of my shoulder.

I can sense the light around me. The warmth pushing on my eyelids and I know that when I do open my eyes, it will be bright.

Something cold touches the inside of my wrist and I can't help but bristle.

My eyes snap open and I regret it instantly. I already forgot about the light.

It doesn't smell familiar and I can't decide if that is a good thing or a bad one. On the one hand, it means that I am not in Harley's camp.

But it also means, I'm still not home.

"Good morning. Nice to see you finally awake." I turn my head to see an older man, with slightly greying hair looking down at me.

His light blue eyes hold no hostility, only friendliness as they crinkle in the corner from his smile.

My eyes look around frantically, trying to find something, anything that lets me know where I am.

Where did Jaclyn take us?


"Jaclyn?" it hurts my throat to talk, but I manage to squeak out the word as my hand cups my throat.

"I gave you Auxilio to counteract whatever you were shot with. My guess is a very potent strain of Wolfsbane. I'm assuming Jaclyn is the wolf we found you on?" He grabs a clipboard, scribbling something down before looking at me.

The wolf they found me on? What the hell happened? Where is she?

My head nods slowly as he helps me to sit up.

"Alpha has her in the dungeon right now" My eyes snap to his and anger fills me.

Why am I being treated in what I suspect is a hospital but she is in the dungeon? I would have been captured if it weren't for her!

"I will inform him that you're awake and we will go from there." He must be able to see the anger rising in me, because he quickly excuses himself to get the Alpha.

My shoulder feels like it's throbbing. I can't help my curiosity as I pull my shirt collar down to look.

Call it morbid, call it whatever, I just need to see why it is throbbing. I remember being hit with something.

I gasp as I take in the quarter size hole in my skin. Light green veins sprout out moving towards my back and up towards my chest.

"That's the Auxilio at work. Kind of cool, isn't it?" My eyes snap to the voice that interrupted my grotesque examination.

I didn't even hear him come in to the room. I must have been way to lost in my thoughts.

I can see his green eyes looking me over. I know that look. It's the same look I give when I'm weary of someone.

When I think they could be a threat.

"We're no threat. I'd like to see my friend please." I adjust my shirt, not liking the way he kept staring at my bare shoulder.

He is young and probably not mated. But I am, well I have a mate, we just haven't mated.

Another reason why I am in the mess to begin with.

Crap, Harley sent someone to kill Reed! How long ago was that? I am too late?

"How far from MoonStone pack am I?!" I didn't mean to shout, but panic is rising in me like a tide.

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