Calling Home

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Much to my protests, the others left Reed, Gage and I alone.

As much as I want to punch Gage in the face, it is comforting to know he is here. He tried to help me when Reed's wolf took over. I still might punch him in the face, but with Reed so on edge, I want him here.

Gage stands next to the couch, looking between Reed and I. We watch as Reed paces back and forth in front of the couch. He looks deep in thought all though he could just be talking to his wolf.

Look at his butt though

Rose, do you have nothing useful to add to this situation?!

You have to admit that it was kind of hot when his wolf took over

I huff in response. She's got a point there. But I shouldn't be feeling this way being that I already met my mate.

Maybe because we only got to spend less than an hour with Jackson. Finally Rose adds something useful!

That has to be it. Maybe we didn't spend enough time with each other and the bond didn't get to form completely.

"Please start at the beginning. You say you're not a Rogue, yet you ran from your pack?" Reed stops next to Gage and they both look at me expectantly.

"Yes, I ran from my pack but we were under attack. I ran for help. Yours was the first pack that intercepted me. I didn't mean to become rogue." Tears form in my eyes thinking about the attack.

All those cries for help that flooded the link, did they get answered? How many wolves did we loose? I try to push the tears away, but a few traitors fall down my cheeks.

I can tell by their facial expressions that Gage and Reed are mindlinking.

For a minute, I am jealous. My head feels so empty without the mind link. It's lonely.

"Who was your Alpha?"

"Alpha Mathers." I debated answering with my dad, but what if they think I am a coward for running?

I can't very well tell them that some magical being gave me a powerful necklace and told me to run because the power is sought after.

I can't stop the sob that rips from my lips at the realization that the attack was because of me. They were looking for the necklace that I was chosen to have.

How did I not realize this sooner?

"Moonstone pack got attacked?" Surprise is evident in Gage's voice.

I can only nod in response. I try not to let the fact that they haven't heard of the attack bother me. When a pack is attacked they usually call to either warn other packs or to ask for help with supplies.

"Ca-can I call them?" I probably look pathetic but I don't care, I can't stand not knowing anymore.

Reed pulls his cell phone out, but looks hesitant as he and Gage exchange a look. Reed catches me watching and he knows I realize that they are mindlinking.

"Baby, you have to understand how suspicious this looks. Moonstone is pretty equal to my pack in strength and size. You say they were attacked and yet we haven't heard of it." He looks at Gage again and back at me.

Is he saying he doesn't believe me? Do I look like I am lying? Before I can ask, he continues.

"I will let you call, but it has to be on speaker, Okay?" I make a noise that is somewhere between a laugh and a scoff, but nod anyway.

He hands me the phone and I quickly dial my dad's office. It rings twice before it's answered.

"Alpha Mathers speaking" My fathers voice sends a wave of relief through my body.

He is okay! I open my mouth, but before I can get the words out Reed interrupts. I stare daggers at him but keep my mouth shut knowing he is just informing my dad that he is on speaker.

"Alpha Mathers, this is Alpha Kennedy of Shadow Wolves pack. Call me Reed."

"Hello Reed. I knew your father, when he was Alpha. Call me Jared. I don't mean to be rude, but I am very busy you see. Is everything okay?" These pleasantries are pissing me off!

"Well, Jared, I have a rogue here that claims they came from your pack. They are claiming they ran because you were attacked? Is this true?" My jaw drops at Reed, he thinks I am lying!

My father heaves a heavy sigh before answering. "Yes it is true, we were attacked. Luckily there were no casualties, just many injuries and an apparent kidnapping."

I jump to answer, who was kidnapped, but a warm, tingly hand clasps tightly against my mouth and holds me to a firm chest. What the actual frick?!

"I'm so sorry to hear that. Maybe I will keep this rogue here until we can find out if they're involved. Is there anything my pack can do to help?" Tears fall from my eyes.

I feel so betrayed and I don't know why. I need to talk to my dad, to find out who was kidnapped and if they know who attacked.

"I will let you know if anything comes up that you can help with. But if you don't mind, I would like to speak to my pack member to find out for myself if they're involved?"

"Of course. One moment." Reed doesn't look at me as he releases me from his grip.

I slap his hands further away from me and wipe my tears. I take a deep breath and sit down on the couch. Reed holds the phone closer to me. I'm pissed and I avoid their gazes as I speak.

"Daddy" I breathe in relief but before I can continue, he cuts me off.

"Aspen?! What the hell, Reed - is this your way of declaring war?!" His voice was a growl and Reed and Gage both stare wide eyed at me but I spare them only a glance.

"Wait, No dad. I was asked to run for help. Alpha Reed intercepted me. I'm sorry daddy! I want to go home, Please can I come home?"

I should have known they would be worried. It makes me feel awful that they had to go through that but at least no one was killed or really kidnapped.

"Alpha Reed, can I get permission to enter your territory for a few of my guards?" I can hear him rustling around, getting ready to leave.

"Yes." His voice was low and I can still feel them staring at me, but I don't look at them.

"I'm leaving now to inform some warriors. They'll be there soon okay? I will have your mother call your mate." Reed growls but I ignore him and I don't think my dad heard him.

"I'll see you soon dad."

After the call ended, no one spoke, at least out loud. I stared at my hands and I could feel the gaze on my face.

"Everything would have been a lot different if you had just told us you were an Alpha's daughter!"

"I had my reasons. I stand by them and no, I will not explain them to you." Yup,  I'm pissed and they can probably tell.

"I'm sorry that we doubted you." Reed says and Gage nods in agreement.

"I'm still tired. If you will please let me use a room to sleep in until my father gets here?"

"You can sleep in here." I just shrug, too tired to argue.

Too much has happened and I just can't wait to go home.

Gage bows at Reed and leaves, but Reed just stands there awkwardly.

He probably wants to talk about the mate thing, but I am too pissed still.

I walk into the bathroom and lock the door behind me. As I slid down the door to the floor, I can't help but think, what will happen when it is time to leave?

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