Running to...Safety?

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I don't think I have ever run so fast in my life. All I can think about is the mystery woman's warnings and not lowering the block to see what is happening back home.

Are they still fighting? Is anyone left from my pack or did we win? Who attacked us in the first place?

I don't know how long I have been running for. The forest is no longer familiar and I know that I passed the border a long while ago, the pain still echos in my chest from when I crossed. It was dark when I started and now the sun is starting to rise.

The cool air rushes through my white/grey fur and if I wasn't so depressed I would be loving the feeling.

I always felt free when I was running, but all I feel now is guilt. I just left them for safety. How do I even know when I am safe? It's not like I will continue to run until I come to a billboard that says "Aspen Mathers, you are safe now."

I am tired and I am thirsty. I know I can't stop until I am safe, but a quick rest couldn't hurt.

I put my nose in the air looking for a water source, which I find quickly. I must be nearby a lake or river because it is strong smell.

I turn slightly to the right and a few minutes later I am on the banks of a small stream.

I never liked drinking in wolf form, but I dislike being naked in the open even more, so I drink quickly before resting on the bank with my front paws in the water.

I need to know what is going on back home. I can't just wonder, good or bad. I lower the block slowly and wait for the voices to flood, but it is silent.

A huge tear rolls down my by my snout and I take a deep breath before calling out to anyone.

Mom? Dad? I work on keeping my breathing under control.

Jenna? Ian? I can't help the panic rising in my chest. Why aren't they answering?

A twig snaps behind me and I turn quickly scanning the surrounding forest. Growls echoed off the trees and three large wolves step out of their hiding spots cornering me against the water.

I'm not going to lie, I am scarred. Yes, I have been trained how to fight, however, these are three male wolves.

I really don't have a lot of choices here. If I run, they will attack and probably kill. If I get defensive, they will attack and probably kill.

So I do the only thing I can think of doing.

I press my ears back against my head and crouch down until my belly touches the ground. A sign that they hopefully know as peaceful surrender.

The wolf in front of me growls a little before retreating into the trees. The sound of bones popping tells me that he shifted. A tall guy with dark brown shaggy hair, walks back out in a pair of basketball shorts, I know I am right.

He stalks towards me, stopping just a few feet in front of me. His dark brown eyes look me over, probably sizing up how big of a threat I am.

I can feel the power radiating off of him, but it isn't as much as an Alpha would have. He is definitely a Beta.

"Shift!" The order clear in voice, but I can't shift back.

I begin to shake my head and a tear rolls down my snout again. If I shift I will be naked, around three unknown male wolves. My nudity didn't bother me in my pack, although I never was nude around the men. But this isn't my pack.

"SHIFT NOW!" He roars, his eyes switching to black as he begins to shake.

We need to shift, he thinks we are disrespecting him. Rose calmly tells me.

I close my eyes imagining myself in human form. My bones begin to snap back into place, and I feel my auburn hair fall loosely against my back. I sit on the ground and pull my legs to my chest, wrapping my arms around my knees.

I am trying to shield myself from them the best I can, but I'm not sure it is working. The shaggy hair guy nods to one of the wolves and the wolf retreats into the trees, only to return with black clothing in his mouth. 

He walks towards me, dropping the clothing in front of me before stepping away. I stare between the shirt and the guys. If I want to put it on, I would expose myself a little. Is it worth the risk.

Shaggy seems to understand my hesitation as he rolls his eyes and turns away. The wolves follow his lead and I quickly reach for the shirt. It seems they may be gentlemen after all.

Thankfully the shirt reaches just past mid-thigh. They turn around when they hear the fabric stop moving.

"What are you doing on our land, Rogue?!" Shaggy says angrily crossing his arms over his muscled chest.

"I am not a rogue." I say firmly.

"I will only ask once more - Why are you on our land?!" 

"I was running from my pack. We - "

"You left your pack? You're a rogue."

"No, I am not, I ran because we were -"

"Did you have the Alpha's permission to leave the territory?" Shaggy keeps interrupting me and it is really pissing me off.

But his question has me coming up short.

Obviously I didn't have my fathers' permission, he was busy fighting and I was running somewhere safe to get help.

However I am the next Alpha female of the pack, do I need permission to leave our territory.

Daddy?  I call out into the mindlink.

I could feel the tears forming in my eyes and I tried to blink them back, but a few traitors fall down my cheeks. The realization is like the missing puzzle piece I have been looking for, but I feel like I can't breathe.

They aren't answering the link, because I left without my dad's permission. I unintentionally became a rogue.

I stare at shaggy, or what I assume to be shaggy. The entire world has gone a little blurry and I grab my chest hoping to relieve the pain I know feel.

"Ugh - Seriously?! You are crying now? It isn't going to help you rogue!" Shaggy yells to me.

"I wish to see your Alpha." My voice is low and thick with emotion but I know that they heard me.

"And why would I let a rogue near my Alpha?" he growls out.

"Because I asked. Werewolf bylaw - if someone asks to see the Alpha then they are either taken to the Alpha, or the Alpha comes to meet them before any punishment can be given." Thank you Alpha training.

Shaggy looks angry, but I can tell by the far off look in his eyes he is mindlinking his Alpha. I take a few  deep breaths. I need to be calm to meet the Alpha. He has to agree to help me find out if my family and my mate are ok and maybe help get me to safety.

"Very well, Rogue. Come." He turns to walk, but the wolves stay in their place.

I slowly fall in line, chosing to ignore his command for a dog and the two wolves flank behind me. Probably in case I try to run.

Here goes nothing.

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