Maybe they can help

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"What if I choose and I choose wrong?"

Jenna gives me a sympathetic look, but says nothing.

Did I expect her to say anything? It's not her problem to understand and I can't give her the details cuz even I don't understand.

It's like my life has turned into one cosmic joke, and everyone is waiting to see what the punchline will be.

"I think you should go to our dads. Tell them that you feel the pull with both of them." Jenna shifts so that she is behind me, and starts separating my hair to be braided.

"Do you think they can help?"

"It's worth a shot. You deserve to be happy and I understand it is a tough choice. Maybe your dad will know what to do." I nod silently in agreement.

Maybe she is right. My dad might have come across something like this before. I can't be the only this has ever happened to...right?

Jenna finishes the braid and hugs me from behind.

"I'm going to find Ian and you're going to find your dad. You know where to find me." She helps me off the bed, before pulling me into the hall.

What would my Dad or beta Jack do? Would they be angry at the mess I have gotten into this time? Or maybe they have encountered this before and know what to do.

I stand out side my dad's solid oak office door, staring. Maybe this is a bad idea and I should just choose.

Which one do we choose? Rose asked quietly.

My mind flashed with both their faces before I responded.

I don't know

Suddenly the door to the office open and I jumped back in surprise.

"Told you she was there and not paying attention Jared. Lunch tomorrow is on you." Jack laughed as he held the door open wider for me.

"You scared me, Uncle Jack."

"Sorry kiddo, glad your home safe though." he murmured as he hugged me.

I didn't respond. Just because I am home, doesn't mean I am safe. With this locket, I may never be safe again. Or have a mate.

"Can I speak to the Alpha and Beta for a moment?" both of them looked at me, not quite understanding what I am asking.

"I need the advice of the leaders not the biased opinions of my family." I clarify.

Understanding washes over both of them as they take their seats. My dad in his big black chair and Uncle Jack in his slightly smaller black chair beside him.

"What seems to be the problem, Aspen?" my father asks in his Alpha voice.

"I have a mate, Jackson. He is from the - oh wait you met him" I can feel myself struggling to find the right words.

Why am I so nervous? It's not like I killed someone and am asking them to cover it up.

I furrow my eyebrows in frustration. No matter how I try, I can't find the right words. I guess the best way then is to blurt it out.

"Alpha Kennedy of Shadow Wolves thinks I am his mate!" both pairs of eyes widen to the size of saucers.

"Impossible. There must be some mistake." my dad says.

I stand up and begin pacing infront of the desk. I know it's impossible, why do they think I had a problem?

"I know- that's exactly what I said! But I feel the sparks with Jackson. And when I am with Reed I easily forget there are others around." I throw my hands in the air and flop back into the chair.

My fingers tangle in my hair as i drop my head in my hands.

"I don't know what to do. What should I do?" my voice breaks at the end as tears rush down my cheeks.

My dad is quick to rush over and console me. Allowing me to cry on his shoulder.

"shh. It's okay honey. We will figure this out. You aren't alone." my dad slowly ran his hand down my hair like he did when i would be upset as a kid.

I pull away and give him a broken smile. He returns to his seat with a thoughtful look on his face.

I can tell he is mindlinking Uncle Jack as they wear similar expressions.

There is a knock on the door before Jenna and Ian come in, holding hands.

A burst of jealous floods through me. I want that. The simplicity of having a mate and showing it off to everyone.

No confusion. No problems, just love.

I shake the jealousy away. I need to think clearly. Jenna takes the seat next to me and Ian stands behind both of us.

"Beta Jack has a plan. I don't know the entirety of it, but so far it is the best we have." my father spoke aloud.

I'm surprised he didn't feel the need to update Ian and Jenna. Actually I'm not. He knows I tell Jenna everything.

"Ian and Jenna. Your jobs will be to keep Aspen and Jackson away from each other. If they cross paths, keep it short. No marking or anything intimate like that. Understood?"

"Yes, Alpha." they both respond to my dad's command.

"Good. You are all dismissed." He turns to Jack and they begin mindlinking, probably cuz we are still here.

Once the office door closes behind us, Jenna turns to me.

"So what do you want to do Aspen?"

I think about it for a second before it occurs to me that they might have plans.

"You guys don't have to babysit me. I'll just go watch t.v. in my room if you had plans." both shake their head no before I even finish.

"Nope, not a chance. We are hanging today. Beta/Alpha day!"

"are you sure?"

"Yes, Penny. Now answer my beautiful mate. What do you want to do?"

"let's go for a run!" before they can respond, I take off towards the stairs.

I race past the living room, through the kitchen heading to the backdoor.

In my rush, I almost crash right into the glass door because it would open in time.

Ian and Jenna laugh hysterically behind me as I struggle to get the back door open.

Finally the door opens and I jump out, shifting in mid air. My paws claw into the grass as they stretch.

When Jenna and Ian approach me,  I tap Ian with my nose and begin running. Ian knows that he is it and we are playing tag.

Before I can run away, I notice Jackson standing on the patio staring at me. 

A low whine escapes me and Jenna turns to see what happened. She gives me a sympathetic look before tapping her nose against me to start running.

Ian trots over to a tree and returns wearing a pair of jean shorts. He walks calmly up to Jackson and they begin talking.

With my werewolf hearing,  I'd be able to hear what they are saying clearly. However,  with the angry look on Jacksons face, I don't want to know.

Suddenly it feels as if a rubber band is stretching. I have been accepted back into the pack as my dad's voice fills my head.

Plan is in motion. Alpha Kennedy will be here tomorrow.

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