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If you got beauty, just raise ‘em up, ‘cause every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top –Meghan Trainor


I stared at my Grandma, my jaw on the floor.

It was just after breakfast and my Granma had come into my room to talk to me when she’d unexpectedly invited me to go to London with them after I graduated.

‘Come on, cupcake. Me and your Grandpa talked about this and decided that you needed some space after...’ she paused, her voice catching at the end. I knew what she meant... after Alex was no longer with us. She knew I’d take it hard.

I sighed and tried to swallow the lump already forming in my throat. London...I had always dreamt of going there since I was 5. I remember when I’d seen some movie based in London and I’d fallen in love immediately.

Here was my chance to go there...It would be good for me. I mean, there was nothing holding me back here anymore. No one to feel responsible for... I thought of Chris. He wouldn’t miss me so much, now that he has a girlfriend.

I shook my head. He didn’t need me and I needed to move on. I looked at my Granma who was patiently waiting for my response.

 I smiled at her then hugged her, ‘I’d love to, Granma! I’d love to go to London with you!’

When I pulled back, she cupped my cheek, ‘I’m glad you accepted. Now let me go tell your Grandpa.’

I sat on my bed, after she’d left, playing with my fingers. I’d made the right choice. Now all I needed was to survive these few months before everything changed. Before my life turns upside down.


‘Cecelia, I’m beginning to get worried,’ Mum said, entering my room. It was around 4 in the evening and Granma and Grandpa had already left for their home. Alex and Dad had gone to buy some groceries so it was just me and Mum at the house.

I closed the chemistry book I was reading and turned to her confused. ‘What do you mean?’

She came and sat next to me on my bed, a small smile on her face, ‘Well, I’m glad you’ve started making friends...but... I didn’t expect them to be all boys. Well, except for the blonde girl.’

‘It’s not a sin, is it?’ I challenged her, feeling myself get defensive.

‘No, dear, come on. Don’t get all defensive,’ she said, smiling. ‘It was just an observation. I know there’s that boy, Chris. Then there’s...what was his name, Raul? Yes...and now the handsome kid at the door, Ash.’

My eyes bulged out in surprise, ‘Ash? He’s here?’ I mean, I had told him where I lived last night when we’d talked but I didn’t expect him to come at all.

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