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Was a bit busy yesterday but I said yesterday or today, right? So...umm...Don't hate me. I'm serious.

I remember when we bought the You & I One Direction fragrance for Alex earlier this year. The look on her face when she'd opened the wrapped box is something I'll always remember. Along with all the other times she got any One Direction merchandise but that's besides the point.

She'd really really wanted to get You & I from the first day she saw it's advert and at that time I had been so broke. I don't know why those perfumes cost a fortune but they do and I couldn't afford it then. I'd talked to my Dad and he promised he'd order it for her as soon as he could. A week later it was in Alex's hands and I'd never seen the kid so happy. My Dad had gone and gotten her the whole gift set with the candles, shower gels and everything!

But she used it sparingly, since she wanted it to last until she either got another one or she got the new one they'd just released. The new one, Between Us, was supposed to be her birthday gift which was in a month.

I buried my face in Alex's pillow, the one I'd been cuddling, inhaling the mango and grapefruit-y smell. After crying for almost a week, it was surprising that I started to cry right then. I longed for numbness to overcome me. If there's a way I could wrench out my heart, I would because feeling all these emotions were killing me.

'Cecelia, she's-Alex ...she's-gone...

It had just been four days since my Dad had called me, his voice thick with tears. I had been frozen in shock and I could vaguely remember Chris talking to me before getting my phone and speaking to my father. I don't remember how I got home, I guess it was Chris who drove me . I remember the ambulance that sat outside our house and I remember seeing the paramedics wheel out a body in a black body bag. I remember humorlessly thinking how this looked like a scene out of CSI or one of those crime investigation series.

I guess I'd been having time lapses because I couldn't remember what happened next but I remember being in Alex's room and laying on her bed which had been cold and unmade; making me wonder how long it had been since...

I was angry. At myself for not being there during her last moments. At the school system for making me have tests that day. And at God for taking Alex away from me.

I felt so empty. She was gone. I'd never get to hug her or laugh with her...

Would the pain ever end?

There was a knock at the door a while later but I didn't even bother answering. How long had I been here? Three hours? I was completely oblivious of time but it did seem darker.

I felt the bed dip beside me and moments later, a hand stroking my hair.


I pulled away from the pillows to see Chris give me a small, sad smile.

'I brought you some soup,' he said.

I shook my head and buried my head back into the pillow. 'I told you I don't want anything.'

I heard him sigh before putting away the bowl on the night stand. 'Come on then...let's get you out of these clothes then, baby. They must be uncomfortable.'

I pulled away from the pillow again and looked at him. He was still in his black suit, except he'd removed the tie and the coat and opened a few buttons at the top of his dress shirt. He looked tired, his eyes red rimmed, dark circles lined his eyes.

The black dress I was in wasn't so comfortable to be in but I didn't want to leave this bed. For the past few days I hadn't left this room at all except when I had to go to the bathroom or shower and today when we had to attend Alex's funeral.

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