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There are different types of guys in my year. There’s the hot football players, the likes of Raul and his teammates. Then there’s the bad bad boy, Chuck Gray, who walks around with an air of mystery around him and doesn’t even really talk to people. There’s the plain bad boys, Leon James, Ash Samuels and Dylan O’Neill who were just caused trouble wherever they went and not a day passed by without one or all of them ending up in detention.

There’s the Emo guy, who went by just Rick. He had about 17 piercings on his face (I counted one day when I sat with him in Math) and a number of tattoos on his body. Then there were was the cute nerd, Charlie Kent (The number of girls who’d pretend to want tutoring from him is alarming). Then there’s Jonah and his friends, the nerdy nerds, who’d sit by themselves and talk…whatever they talk about. Then there were regular guys who did regular stuff (If that makes sense) staying out of the radar most of the time.

Christian Edwards was on his own league, however. He didn’t participate in any sports; he was an above average student I guess, but he was just as popular as Raul and his team was. He wasn’t really a ‘bad boy’ because he didn’t really cause trouble, he wasn’t nerdy (not even close) …I guess it was his charisma and confidence that people liked. Plus he was cute according to most girls. Oh…and there was Leroy, the vine guy. He, with the help of Chris, would play a lot of pranks on people so that they could have something to put on his channel.

And in order for the universe to be in some sort of balance, there were also types of girls opposite of the guys. It wasn’t exactly opposite because there was no vine girl and definitely no female ‘Chris’. Of course we had a cheerleading squad; captain, Sheila Drake along with her troupe. She had the cliché looks of any hot ‘popular’ chic, blonde hair, blue eyes perfect body, rich, and blah blah blah…She wasn’t a complete bitch. She had moments when she was nice sometimes. Her troupe also looked like they had all walked out of a Vogue magazine and when they’d all walk together people would always stare after them in the hallways.

Then there were the nerdy nerds Christina Lee and her friends who usually sat with Jonah and his friends. Cute nerds…there was Sammy, Veronica O’Connell and Felicity Simmons (Leroy’s sister. They are nothing a like!) There was Rick’s girlfriend (female version of him without the tattoos though) Bree Greene. There were no ‘bad girls’ or even ‘bad bad girls’. But there were good girls who were basically quiet unknown and almost invisible, but they never got into trouble, did their homework and volunteered in a lot of stuff. Then there was Big Bethany who was just there. I really don’t know about her anyway. And then there was Chubby me.

There’s a lot of ‘groups’ in my school, though I’ve never understood why people can’t mix up. Anyway…

It was Friday…yaaay (Note the sarcasm). Alex and my parents had already left for New York by the time I reached school so it was safe to say I was in one of my moods. Alex promised to bring me an ‘I heart NY’ t-shirt and a statue of liberty statuette before she left and at least that got me smiling a bit.

Seeing Chris by my locker during lunch did nothing to improve my mood really. To make it worse he was flirting with some girl and I arrived before I saw anything that would make me gag.

‘Excuse me but you’re kinda in my way,’ I said, pushing him aside. He looked at me and smirked at me, draping an arm on the brunette’s shoulders.

‘Chubbs! Just the person I was looking for,’ he said before leaning down and whispering something in the brunette’s (She was one of the cheerleaders) ear who giggled and nodded before leaving. ‘How are you, Chubbs?’

I gave him a blank look before shutting my locker and turning to him, ‘I’m sure that wasn’t what you wanted to ask, Edwards. So get to it already.’

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