Chapter 17

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Stacey's P. O. V.

We had both our wedding and honeymoon and I would say that Zack and I were living happily ever after.

Everything was calm, except sometimes a few Rogue's would appear in our territory trying to start trouble but we quickly handled them.

Our pack has gotten stronger and larger since Christian decided to stay and merge the packs together. He told me he wanted to stay to keep an eye on Carson. Zack and I didn't mind because some of our members found their mates in Christian's pack and we became untouchable.

Zack and I moved away from the pack house to a smaller mansion. Christian and Carson also moved in with us, they were annoying at times because of all their little love quarrels.

Zack and I had 3 pups. Mark, Tiffany, and Jackson. Mark was 3 year's old, Tiffany was 2 and Jackson was 1. Mark was the oldest but he was still a pup, he needed to be 5 to change into a human. When I gave birth to Mark, He came out human for 5 minutes before he shifted into a little pup. He stayed that way ever since, I bawled my eyes out thinking something was wrong with him but Jade calmed me down by telling me that it was completely natural. Even as a pup I could tell Mark was a miniature version of Zack by his attitude.

I was currently heating the stove with my powers when Zack sneaked up on me to scare me and I accidentally burned him.

"OW! Fuck Stacey!," He growled clenching his teeth and rubbed his arm making me grin sheepishly in apology. I rubbed the burned mark to cool it off and the scar slowly faded away. Over time, I got better at my fire element because one of the elder's had the fire element also and taught me how to develop it. I would've asked him to train me everyday so I could become a master but I had 3 responsibilities.

Zack glared at me before grabbing a cookie and heading out the kitchen. I rolled my eyes at his silent treatment then followed him outside, after checking on my food of course.

Tiffany and Jackson were cuddling with Zack who was sprawled out on the grass while Mark ran around the lawn excitedly.

I laid down next to Zack and Jackson climbed from Zack onto my chest, he nuzzled his nose under my chin making me smile at his little body trying to bury himself there.

Mark was the first born making him the next Alpha in line. He was bigger than the other two with a black coat just like Zack's, Tiffany had a white coat with red stripes like me and Jackson had black fur with a mixture of red and gold spots.

Mark barked as he ran around, catching both Tiffany and Jackson attentions causing them to run after Mark and soon the pups started to race each other.

Zack rolled over on top of me to give me multiple pecks on the lips. His hand ran down my arm to my hand and interlocked our fingers, our wedding rings pressed together.

" I love you," Zack smiled at me, squeezing my hand and I smiled back.

"I love you too," He captured my lips with his, his tongue invading my mouth. I moaned out in response at his dominance.

The kiss was soon ruined when Jackson somehow wiggled himself between us. Zack pulled away from our kiss to see a tiny wolf head with green eyes staring up at us curiously, making him chuckle.

"Cockblocking so early?" He teased as Jackson tilted his head innocently and licked Zack's chest making me coo. I rubbed his head and soon Mark and Tiffany came in between us forcing Zack to roll back over on his back as Tiffany jumped onto him. Zack melted at Tiffany and softly scratched the back of her ear as she licked him excitedly.

Tiffany was definitely a Daddy's Girl.

Jackson pawed at my wedding ring with an adorable confused expression on his face. I smiled as I rubbed his tiny little head again. Mark ran over to Jackson and bit on his ear causing Jackson to whine loudly, almost like he was about to cry.

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