Chapter 14

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Stacey's P.O.V

-1 Month Later-

Since I've been kidnapped, true to his word Zack hasn't left my side. Every time I wanted to go out, he was there driving me and behind me like my little body guard. When I went outside for a jog, He was jogging behind me like a creepy stalker. I wanted to go to a cafe with Carson and Zack locked Carson inside of his room then told me that Carson was busy and he took me to the cafe instead.

Even though I literally watched him push Carson into the room and closed it behind him having Ethan guard the door until we left.

We were also getting closer and closer to the day of the ritual making my heat creep onto me slowly. Heat was something unmated wolfs went through and it was practically them being horny. Since we were werewolves our feelings were just 1,000 times amplified so it became unbearable.

The two days before the date of the ritual was the worst, I humped him everywhere and tried my hardest to get him to take me down. Even though what almost happened with Brandon kind of traumatized me a bit, I knew Zack would never ever hurt me. I trusted him more than anyone, so I wasn't really scared that he would hurt me. He was also supposed to have mated with me by the time the next pack meeting rolled around so the Alpha and Luna can pass down their positions to us which was another thing I was worried about.

Today was the day of the ritual and I was nervous because I was about to lose my virginity but at the same time I was also relieved, since this would be the last time I would have to go through a heat this bad again. Zack and I had to do it in the forest under the full moon because it was something extremely sacred for us wolves.

We looked to the Moon Goddess as our savior. She gave us the gift to be able to transform into werewolves and that alone made us special. She watched over us because we were her special children, each and every last one of us. She knew what was in each wolf's heart that she chose. Not everyone could handle the responsibility of being a werewolf, our emotions were intensified, we had to deal with rival packs, and keep ourselves shielded from regular humans so we wouldn't be hunted. We had no problem with them but for humans it was a different story, They feared everything they couldn't understand which would make them try to hunt us down. 

Just because that was a better option than actually trying to be open-minded and coexist with something they don't deem as normal.

She branded us as the special ones, the ones to appear human to be normal but have something greater than an average human. We had the gift of speed, strength, and increased sight and some of us had other extraordinary gifts. We also transformed into wolves, Wolves were loyal creatures that were fierce, The pack was a safe place for every wolf that had a good heart, we all sticked together. She also had a hand with the Fates in pairing us together with our soulmates. She knew the good and bad in each wolf and paired them with someone who she knew was a perfect match to them. That was as far as she went, after that she let The Fates do their job and determine what happened there.

"Zack, Zack, Zack, Zack, Zack, " I repeated, poking his arm trying to get a reaction. He ignored me as he kept playing his game and I watched him before poking his cheek which made him turn his head quickly to try and bite my finger. I pulled my finger away smiling before he could do it though.

He sighed and glanced at the time then put his controller down and grabbed a blanket from the closet then grabbed my hand with the other hand.

We walked out the house with Carson screaming 'Use Protection' making me blush as he waved him off.

We walked into the forest behind the pack house and Zack tried to initiate conversation with me but I didn't reply to him because I was too wrapped up in my thoughts. My heart was beating loudly in my chest and I'm sure Zack could hear it. He sighed again before stopping and blocking my path, I stared at him with wide nervous eyes as he stared back at me.

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