Chapter 9

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Jake's P.O.V (Stacey's Brother)

God, I'm so damn bored and I miss my little sister.

I partially believed that it was my fault in her running away, if I acted as such a better brother she wouldn't have left.

Man, I'm so stupid. I regret it tremendously not treating her better.

I sighed watching my mother grieve even more. Her mate died, and now her only daughter left her, she was reaching close to her breaking point.

I was taking it a whole lot better than Brandon who hasn't left his room. During the past 6 months, I only saw him for a total of 10 times. He sometimes left his room just to eat and use the bathroom. Other times, he had our new Omega give him everything he needed. He completely shut down and shut everyone out including the Alpha and Luna.

All day he would sit in his room and mope. He left his thoughts completely open meaning everyone had access to his thoughts and it's not like it was anything special. All we would hear was his heartbroken wolf howling helplessly for his mate to return back in his arms. His wolf was in such a depressing state, it was heartbroken to see an Alpha wolf of so much strength fall so helplessly and quickly. His wolf had no hope of even standing. His aura was so depressed that no other wolf would come down his hallway. Wolfs stood at the end of the hallway whimpering for their Alpha to get up and find his strength but to no avail, he didn't even bat an eyelash. Nothing would ever get him out of this funk. No one knew what it was like to have your mate gone.

Any wolf that had a mate gone was torturous, but for an Alpha? It was hell. His mate was a Luna, just as strong as the Alpha. They coexisted together, An Alpha ruled stone cold and mercilessly while the Luna ruled gently with calculation. A strong hot headed Alpha needed their cool gentle level headed Luna to calm him down. He was nothing without her, He had a duty to protect his Luna and give her unconditional love and happiness. While the pack members came second, the Luna came first. She was everything to him. If his Luna wasn't beside him, he didn't want to rule anything or do his actual job of protecting.

It was like in the human form of being with a person all your life and loving them dearly then they just up and left without a trace. It was heartbreaking but for werewolves it was soul crushing. An Alpha didn't have the will to go on.

I tried many many times to get him out of that room but his wolf would quickly come out and immediately tell me to leave. I had no choice but to obey since he was still my Alpha and he would always use his commanding Alpha tone to me. All it took was Stacey absence to make Brandon become a complete wreck and the pack house to suddenly became a cesspool of misery making everyone sad themselves.

If only I stopped her before she left....If only I paid attention to her.

I cannot believe I was so desperate to be in the pack that I ignored my baby sister. I also saw the way Mom stared at her with hatred in her eyes and I didn't acknowledge it. I saw how the pack treated her as the Omega and I stood by and watched. They gave her a basement while they gave me a cozy room and I still did not say anything. I couldn't even defend her, what kind of brother was I?

I betrayed my sister's trust.

But, this wasn't about me, It was about our Alpha, he needed his mate and we too needed her. If she came back I would be the best brother she ever had and she would never go through what we made her go through again.

I promise I would be the best brother she ever had.

I sighed again this time much heavier and turned on the TV in the living room trying to get my thoughts off of Stacey, I flipped through the channels absentmindedly because standard cable absolutely sucked.

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