Chapter 8

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Stacey's P.O.V

"You're cheating!" I screamed in rage glaring at Zack waiting for him to admit but his lips slowly formed into a devilish smirk.

Ugh, with that smirk I would forgive anything he did.

Zack and I were currently playing a racing game called Midnight Something: Los Angeles

Is that what it was called? I really didn't know.

I mean I was awesome at other types of video games but racing games? I hated them with an extreme passion.

I didn't see the point of them, all that I see happen was cars hitting each other, cops chasing after cars, and Zack winning first place every single time.

I mean damn, who enjoys being in first place EVERY SINGLE TIME! That had to be the most boring shit I have ever heard.

All the racing games did was make kids/teenagers have a speeding problem when they got into an actual car. They thought it was a game but boy are they wrong, in two seconds, driving down the highway with speeds of 90 can either get you a hefty speeding ticket or dead with your car lodged into someone else's.

Hey...What do I know right?

After one more round, I officially gave up and let Zack have his glory because I can tell the jackass might've used some kind of cheat code to get unlimited boost or something because he was so far ahead of me in races. I laid back on his bed and covered my eyes with my hands.

"Let's Play another Game like....CALL OF DUTY!" I rose up excitedly at the thought, quickly standing up and walking over to the PlayStation ready to put the game in but Zack arms around my waist held me back.

"Why can't we just play this game?" He whispered softly in my ear. He nuzzled into my neck then softly kissed it before trailing up to my earlobe nibbling the bottom. As usual, I shivered at the touch not being able to focus. Zack's scent soon drifted into my nose making me dizzy, his devilish tongue ran down my neck making me tilt my neck and let out a soft moan.

It was about to get Rated X in here real quick.

"I don't wannaa...." I whined using the opportunity to pull away from him with a pout. He glanced down at my pout and smiled.

"Cute" He commented and I blushed pushing him away at the compliment and scoffing as I sat up.

"One more round," He pleaded, giving me an adorable puppy dog expression to which he knew I couldn't resist. I smiled then rolled my eyes picking up the controller, surrendering to those green eyes. He could seriously make me do anything with that facial expression. He smiled in victory and picked up his controller starting the race again but with a different background and car.

At the end of the round, I jumped in excitement at my place in the game. I got Second Place which was better than all the last places I had. I was completely horrible with racing games because every sharp corner I passed, I didn't know how to drift so I kept slamming into walls, Not only that I couldn't dodge traffic as easily as Zack so of course I ended up hitting cars at maximum speed which in turn made my car total out. The computer cars were worse because when I would do decent enough, the other cars would speed up and hit me into last place again.

How are computer cars kicking my ass?!! I hate the nerd that created the first racing game.

"Yay! You won again!....Surprise Surprise," I sarcastically congratulated him.

"Call of Duty now!" I whooped, making him roll his eyes to which I returned with a smirk, taking Midnight Club Los Angeles out and putting Call Of Duty Black Ops in.

Oooh Zack's ass was mines, because this was my shit.

Even though that sounded wrong, I'm gonna ignore it because if I said that aloud, Zack would have no problem showing me exactly who's ass is who's, and I definitely will bend down for him.

God, And I said my wolf was a horny little shit. I was completely WORSE!

"You do realize you're gonna lose in this game also?" I heard him say from behind me. I turned to him with a smirk after putting it in and starting it up, sitting down next to him on the bed.

"You do realize that I'm gonna make you eat those words right?" I fired back him as I grabbed my controller. Zack had this stupid thing, whatever you call it when he always wanted to be player one controlling everything, doing everything, If not he would throw a big hissy fit. I learned that the hard way this morning when he didn't talk to me for one hour until I had to apologize and give him my controller.

Pshh Baby

"I didn't like that Darling" Someone intruded my thoughts and I rolled my eyes again, pushing Zack out of my head.

Nosy Asshole

Zack scoffed and I put up a mental thought of Carson and that wolf going at in the kitchen making Zack face scrunch up in disgust since he was in my head.

"What the fuck Stacey?! You're so fucking weird for watching that shit!!!"

I giggled because it made him get out of my head,
"Well it was a little steamy in there" I teased.

I didn't feel him worming in my head anymore and he set up the game, I picked out my gun then the game started.

He killed me 5 minutes into the game with a head shot by screenwatching me to which I gave him a slap in the head and he retaliated by giving me a quick kiss then playing again and I felt my face get hot.

I quickly fought back with my own attack as I shot him five times. I shot him again for the screen watching then took his sniper gun so I can scope him out.

After a few rounds I got bored of this repeat back and forth between me killing him and him killing me. I paused the game making Zack groan.

"How about we make this much more interesting?"

"What do you suggest?" Zack asked laying back on his bed making his shirt rise up a little, I saw his V-line and instantly my mouth watered.

"Like... a little bet whoever kills the other person, that person that was dead owe the other person 1 dollar each kill and if the other person wins 1 dollar goes to them" I explained trying to hide my smirk because I was on a roll already. How could I possibly owe him anything?

"Deal, Wanna kiss on it?"

"No," I answered shaking my head and unpausing the game.

Round after Round, I won but there would be other times where he would win. I was currently winning until Zack gave up and put his controller down saying I won making me smile because he currently owed me 50 dollars while I only owed him 5. I found it hilarious, Zack laid down on his bed again when we heard the doorbell rang from downstairs.

"I'll get it! " I screamed loudly to the wolves in the house and ran down the stairs hopping off the each step two at a time.

I opened the door and got the biggest shock of my life seeing two people I thought I would never ever see again....

"Hello Little Sister," He said with an innocent smile on his face.

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