Chapter 16

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Stacey's P. O. V.

"CHRISTIAN!!!" I jumped up and down in excitement then ran up to him and jumped on him wrapping my arms around his neck. He chuckled and held me as I buried my face in his neck.

Christian sneaked in during the pack meeting and was all the way in the back so I couldn't see him. Zack called me in the living to surprise me with my gift of Christian.

"I missed you too Luna," Christian laughed out and I smiled squeezing him harder. During the past few months of Christian being gone, I missed him dearly.  I missed his antics, his cockiness, and even his annoyance. Now I felt like my heart was restored again by having both my mate and my best friend here.

"Alright Alright, too much hugging for me, she's mines not yours" Zack interrupted and I pulled away with a laugh as I walked up to him and pecked his lips to calm his jealousy.

Carson rushes down the stairs when he heard me say Christians name. His blue eyes lit up fiercely and I could tell that he wanted nothing more to run into Christian's arms but he decided to act cool instead.

"E-Ewe..You're here..." He said and scoffed looking away as he rubbed his arm.

Christian smirked at Carson's pathetic attempt at pretending he wasn't fazed by him. Christian smirked and slowly walked up to Carson gently pushing him back against the nearest wall as his hands reached up to place them both beside his head.

"I am...Did you miss me?..." Christian whispered to him clearly enjoying the affect he had on Carson then placed a kiss on his cheek while Carson blushed dark red and looked down at the ground.

"P-Pfft..Why..would I miss you...?" Carson's shakily replied as he stared up at Christian getting a little lost in his eyes. Christian smiled down at him as he placed a hand on his cheek.

"Your telling me one thing but your eyes are telling me something completely different.." Christian smirked and softly brushed his thumb on Carson's lip initiating a gasp from Carson who then took Christians thumb into his mouth staring up at him.

At this point, I believe I watched enough as I grabbed Zack's hand and we went to our room to give them their alone time in the living room.

Zack and I cuddled and watched a movie before he went to asleep next to me and I decided to head to my old room which was now Christians guest room. I walked in to check on him but found that he had my bra on his head walking around with it casually.

"What the fuck! Christian!" I exclaimed walking to him to snatch it back from his head but he moved out of my reach laughing.

"Ah Ah Ah..Too slow!" He teased before running past me out the door and I cursed rushing after him as he laughed while running down the stairs in a hurry.

I realize why I only miss him for such a short period of time.

"Christian, give it back!!" I yelled in rage after him. When he reached down the stairs, I tried to jump on his back only to come up short and fall making him run farther from me. I huffed in frustration wanting to call Zack for help but he was in our room sound asleep.

Zack came downstairs yawning and dressed then glanced at me before laughing.

"All these beautiful comfy couches in the living room and you choose the floor to lay on?" He teased and walked past me to the front door, I rolled my eyes and got up off the floor, dusting myself off.

"Where are you going?!" I shouted after him, he turned towards me with a smile.

"Getting everything set up for our date tonight silly. I'll be back...Don't get kidnapped....Please? I'm only leaving you here because Christian is here..." He warned me as Carson appeared in a flash by his side.

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