Chapter 13

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Zack's P.O.V

After seeing Stacey passed out, I immediately left murdering Brandon to rush Stacey to the doctors at the pack house. Stacey was more important than Brandon by a long shot and I was worried because I didn't know what was going on. If I hadn't walked in at that very moment Brandon would've raped my poor baby. I growled just at the thought and clenched my fist suddenly wishing I didn't leave the dick so I could've at least finish the job. What pissed me off more was seeing him still trying to take her innocence even after there was a huge fight going around him. He was such a coward, his fucking members were fighting for their lives and he was so busy trying to forcefully take something that wasn't his. I smirked as I remembered the state I left him in, both of his eyes were swollen shut, with his nose broken. I also made sure to break his other arm as the other was singed thanks to Stacey out of her hands and I even broke some fingers, Most of his ribs were broken and I would've bashed his skull in if Stacey didn't pass out right behind me.

While waiting for Stacey, I was seconds from adding this doctor to my kill list because apparently he was another Carson and loved to get on my nerves.

Speak of the asshole he walked out of Stacey's room and I immediately stood up preparing for the worse as I stared at him.

"Is she okay?" The young wolf doctor smirked at me seeing my worried expression.

" Dandy! Banged her few times while she was on the hospital bed. Gotta admit she's a screamer.." He horribly joked thinking I was in a laughing mood but quickly stopped when he noticed my growling and rising temper.

"Oh.. You didn't mean in that way? Jesus.....laugh a little..she's fine...,between her healing from her wolf side and elemental powers, she's gonna be back up and running tomorrow," He explained to me as he lifted up the paper to check out her information on his clipboard.

" Elemental?" I asked, trying to reason with my wolf to calm down about his bang joke. If Stacey wasn't in that room and I saw this guy in the streets no doubt he would be out decaying in the woods right now.

" Yes, Elemental. Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Stacey was just gifted with Fire. She'll be fine" He finished before turning and walking away to check on my Betas and other wolfs that were in the fight.

I walked into Stacey's room to see her up watching a movie absentmindedly eating popcorn.

I instantly smiled at seeing my baby fine and walked up to her then got on the bed, wrapping my arms around her waist as I sat down next to her, I gave her a kiss on the cheek to which she made a noise of disgust.

" Zack get off of me!"

" No," I responded then kissed her cheek again.

"I'm glad you're okay!" I couldn't help but sigh in relief as my wolf did the same. Enjoying the way his mate was safely back into his arms. I looked at Stacey to see her blushing a dark shade of red making me chuckle as I slid my hands under her shirt to softly stroke her belly. She cleared her throat and pretended to ignore me but I noticed the way she shifted closer to me.

Soon, I had my back against the bed with Stacey between my legs with her back against my chest as I laid my head down on her shoulder. She watched the movie, laughing once in a while, as I just enjoyed having her in my arms again. I saw her frown at the movie and frowned myself, only wanting to see a smile on my baby face.

"What's wrong?" I asked glancing down at her body to see if anything was still hurting.

"Nothing..." She mumbled out and I frowned harder taking her hand into mines and brushing my thumb against the back of her hand softly.

"Tell me, Love... I hate to see you upset..." I pressed on softly. I took a peek into her mind to see her reliving the horror she just went through with her ex mate and seeing it from her perspective was making my blood boil again. That fucking ex mate of hers was gonna take her virginity just because he regretted his decision on rejecting her. On top of that he couldn't even be man enough to admit when he made a mistake. I shook my head at the thought of someone like that, being an Alpha. That pack definitely was gonna go to shit under his ruling.

"Thank you....for coming in when you did...I was scared...I knew what was going to happen and it was gonna tear me apart..." She whispered softly as her eyes began to tear up and I sighed, softly stroking her brown waves feeling her calm down tremendously at my touch which made me feel a little better.

I knew this was breaking her because for one, my little baby was always confident and never admitted anything and two, she also never thanked me before. She had too much of an ego for that. For her to tell me this, I knew she really trusted me to the fullest extent. I pulled her further into my chest and kissed the back of her head.

"I promise...I will NEVER allow anything like that to happen to you again. You will never ever leave my side and I won't put you under Carson's watch ever again" I growled out with a firm nod. I couldn't trust anyone to watch my baby. I now knew, If I wanted my mate to be safe then I would have to protect her myself.

"Also, I don't enjoy what you guys did to my room.." I said after a long while of silence and Stacey laughed making me smile to see her light up again.

"Don't blame Carson, it was my idea to do it." She said and I chuckled, "Trust me I know, I'll get you both later." I promised making her look back at me with a horrified expression and I smirked giving her a wink.

"What're you gonna do?" She asked a little scared and I gave her a cheeky smile because I enjoyed her a little afraid.

"You'll know when it happens.." I reassured before turning to the movie to signal the end of this conversation just to scare her some more.

We fell into a silence watching the movie until she fell asleep in my arms. After I heard her light snores, I looked down at my beautiful mate in my arms.

"I love you.." I admitted softly and kissed her cheek before laying her down next to me and laying down also pulling her next to me to fall asleep with her.

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