Chapter 7

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Stacey's P.O.V

I was freaking out after I accepted Zack's date offer. I called Christian for reassurance but instead of comforting me he screamed down the phone calling me a wimp because it was just one date.

Yeah it was just one date. But he's forgetting the fact that I've never been on a date before. I'm not even sure how this dating thing even went.

Carson was supporting me from the hallway standing against the door frame criticizing my dresses until a wolf walked by and smacked his ass then he was a goner. In a way Cristian was right, it was just one date so why was I getting worked up over it? That I needed to call Christian just for advice, but in my last pack I was by myself. No one would even take a look at me let alone even ask me out on a date.

"Ugh!!" I screamed in frustration throwing the pink dress that I just had in my hands on the bed. I angrily ran my fingers through my hair pacing back and forth.

"Christian!!" I whined out to the phone hearing a thud on the other line.

"What?! This better not be about the damn dress!" He screamed in annoyance.

"It is!!" I answered stomping my feet and letting out another childish noise. Cristian cursed heavily over the phone before telling me to wear the the short red dress that had lace at the top where my bust were, the bottom was silly with sequins across the waist. I quickly slipped on the dress after laughing at Christian annoyance and quickly went over to the mirror to check myself out.

"You think he would like it?" I nervously asked making Christian groan.

"Stacey that damn dress bring out your fucking curves okay?! Any guy would like to see titties and ass! He's also your mate, Anything you put on he will like!" He answered.

His man period was on again.

"Is it that time of the month?" I teased making Christian laugh sarcastically.

"Ha...Ha...Ha...Is it yours?" He fired back and I scoffed.

"One, fuck you, Two, I can joke about periods, you can't you disrespectful little piece of shit!" I snarled at him making him laugh.

I began to whine on how nervous I was but Cristian cut me off and told me to calm down and that once again it was only ONE date.

I heard Christian button smashing on his PS4 so I decided to walk to my vanity table and grabbed my red pearl earrings putting them on. I grabbed the red  necklace to match and also got out a gold cuff to slip onto my wrist. I held the table to slip on my heels then placed my hair up in a bun with a few strands hanging out in the front and then grabbed the flat iron to curl the strands.

After that I sat down in the chair and began to do my make up putting on red eye shadow on. I applied red matte lipstick for my lips and then smirked after I finished applying. Blowing myself a kiss in the mirror because I looked so damn good right now even I wouldn't be able to take my hands off of myself if I was going on a date with myself.

"SCORPION WINS!!! FATALITY!!!" I heard Christian scream in the phone and I shook my head at him playing the newest game, Mortal Kombat 11.

"That game sucks," I teased him over the phone and he immediately gasped.

"Take that back! Don't ever say that again..How dare you insult such a masterpiece like this..." He exclaimed and I rolled my eyes. The game was only good for gore everything else was terrible.

Soon I heard Zack scream from downstairs that it was time to go. My heart raced nervously and I bid Christian a goodbye as I willed my heart to calm down then slowly opened the door and walked down the hall to the stairs.

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