"You Rejected Me and Now Im A Dancer"

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Chapter 1: Stacey's P.O.V

"Urngh...," I muttered running my fingers through my hair while stretching on my dingy white mattress that's considered a 'bed'. Glancing over to the left of me where the clock read 5:30 A.M in big bold red letters on a small table that looked like it's seen better days with how much dust was on there. I shook my head at the sight, My pack could give me cleaning supplies to clean the house but not my own room.

The Alpha made sure to send someone downstairs into my "room" to see if I cleaned it up with the cleaning supplies that I was supposed to clean the other parts of the house with and if they found out that I did.. Well..Let me tell you, that was my ass. I definitely learned my lesson after the first time.

I then got up and walked inside the bathroom closing the door behind me, it was just a sub room in the basement that had a shower, a toilet, and a sink. I stole a blanket and shower hangers from one of the empty guest rooms and hung the blanket for more privacy. Stepping in the shower and turning the warm water on, I began to scrub myself. The Alpha had a ounce of nice in him and turned on the warm water so I could choose from hot to cold.

I was an unmated werewolf with tan skin, brown wavy hair and brown eyes, I also had a hourglass figure but I hid it with a lot of clothing to lessen the pain when my pack beat my ass. I like to think it was a smart idea and to them it perceived the look that I was fat which in turn made them call me piggy or porky, on top of my whore and slut nicknames.

I didn't care about the names though,

My dad died earlier this year from a sneak attack by rogues when he went hunting with my pack, My mom used me as a way to take out her sadness and anger. In her mind, she believed I was the one who killed my dad. My mom and dad first saw each other in the First EverGreen pack meeting. They felt an immediate connection and sat down next to each other, their knees brushed and immediately they both knew when their wolves whispered Mate for the first time. After this they fell in love..Of course the bond had something to do with that... After that everything became a blur but my brother popped out first and then shortly a year later, I popped out next. She couldn't cope with his death and the mate bond being severed made her turn into a monster to me. She punished me but not my brother because I resembled my father way too much and I brought pain to her while my brother took more after her.

He had long brown hair that stopped just before his honey brown eyes with specks of blue in it. It was the eye color he got from my mom which is why she favored him so much. He had her soft features but had my dad's sharp jaw line. Over the summer he became more toned since he shifted and started going out with the pack to hunt. His head got bigger now that he was getting so much attention from unmated female wolves that either lost their mate or haven't found them making him a massive player. Most of the time he ignored me and pretended like I wasn't his sister. He didn't want to be an outcast like me so he followed in the pack footsteps by hurting me and called me names the pack did.

Being a werewolf meant that I naturally had heat and adding these clothes made me even hotter.

But shit, It was better than getting my ass handed to me day in and day out.

We lived in a werewolf town. Our pack EverGreen won this territory through winning 5 wars consecutively. This territory was a hot spot because of the luxurious forest that was behind the pack house. There was a huge wall of Roses to cover the entrance of the forest to block any intruders from coming. In the forest lies a crystal clear gorgeous waterfall, it was a blessing of the Moon Goddess because it is the only waterfall in a forest for over 10 miles. The pack was the only one that had the rights to it. If a rogue stumbled upon he/she would be killed on sight and if a wolf belonged to a pack was found in our forest it would signal an act of war. The waterfall is serious business to us wolves.Since we wanted to blend in with the humans, the werewolves disguised it to be a perfectly running town that is overpopulated so no humans would be tempted to move here.

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