Author's Note

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As always, before reading Year Seven - be sure to check out Years One through Six (Part Two). This story will begin where those have left off, and will contain massive amounts of spoilers for the other stories if you read them out of order.

As always, this is a work of fan fiction and subject to mistakes in the canon, which is defined by each individual reader anyway. While I try my best to stay canon, I'm not always going to succeed. I can't always even promise to stay to my own canon, honestly, there's just too many books to go back and fact check. So please enjoy the stories with that understanding! (AKA, please don't message me with pages of rants about the canon, I'm simply not going to read through once I realize that's what your message is... but feel free to message me anything else! I love your messages!)

I can't wait for this one - we've been a long time coming to it, but it's finally here.

Welcome to Seventh Year.

The Marauders: Year Seven Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now