{Chapter 30}

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"Let's go down. This height is making me    d-i-z-z-y," Kira crossed her eyes and moved her head in circular motions.

Mia chewed her lip. She stood upon Mount Eskelon. The sun set gradually, flooding the ruins scattered before her in a crisp, yellow light, highlighting each dilapidated cottage and every wilted tree. A lone bird chirped softly in the distance. Everything was abandoned and looked hauntingly beautiful.

"Just a sec," Mia told Kira, who had closed her eyes and perched upon the rugged land. Following the map they had reached this mountain and climbed up.

"And what do you propose we do next genius?," Cathy folded her arms across her chest and looked forward.

"Can you just shut up for two minutes? Just two measly minutes I ask you to zip it!", Mia said frustratedly and glared at Cathy who shrugged nonchalantly.

"Two minutes starts now".

Mia stared at the map again, concentrating and trying to figure it out. After a few seconds of intense glaring she came to the conclusion that they had to go South after which she came to another conclusion that they were utterly lost.

South it is! We'll go South.

But there was one tiny problem.

"Do any of you have a--like a compass or something?", Mia asked vaguely and turned towards Kira and Cathy." I don't have a clue where South is- or North or West or East is in that matter".

Another bird cooed and a gentle zephyr stirred the bare branches of the dead trees.

"Bravado!", Cathy clapped her hands sarcastically," Princess brings a whole lot of jewellery," -she fingered Mia's charm bracelet-" and forgot a compass. I applaud your intelligence!".

"Cut it out," Mia clenched her teeth and gazed upwards, the colours of the sun melted in the sky as it gradually sank.
"Time is running out".

"Now the vultures will rip us to pieces and peck out our eyeballs and we'll die
We'll die!", Kira said dramatically.

"Do you have to be so annoying all the time?," Cathy knitted her brows," where the hell would you get Vultures here huh?".

"Ooh good point," Kira widened her eyes in mock admiration.

"Stop it guys," Mia fumbled with the map," maybe we should ask someone?".

"Yeah why not? Let's ask Mr. Crow over there yeah? Or Miss. Ant here huh?!", Cathy said, sarcasm dripping from her words." Do you see anyone in sight!?".

"I get it. Don't go all psycho," Mia snapped at her.

"Don't go all psycho," Cathy mocked Mia," you're the one who dragged us up here with no direction to go now!".

"Will you--"Mia started towards Cathy when Kira stepped in between them.

"Guys," she sighed in exasperation,"Stop it or you each get a hard slap that'll knock some sense into you idiots! Get that!?", Kira yelled suddenly. Mia and Cathy quietened immediately after Kira's sudden outburst.

"So where should we go?", Mia asked, utterly lost.

"Let me see the map," Cathy said. Mia hesitated but Kira glared at her and reluctantly she handed over the paper.

"Hmm, so it says that there are two ways and one of them is a safe path to Glace while the other path will lead us to somewhere dangerous where we'll risk having our bones crushed.," Cathy read.

"Lets just go that way," Mia pointed randomly and the other two followed suite, desperate to get down from the mountain.

When they reached the bottom, Cathy passed Mia.

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