{Chapter 28}

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"What's our plan?," Cathy asked as they slinked through the shadows, out of sight if the guards.

"Reach the palace. Get help for your parents and I'll..well," Mia shrugged," try to convince my parents that I'm alive".

Cathy nodded and the weird group consisting of an arrogant shape-shifter, a clueless yet confident Princess, an overly-enthusiastic Icental and a slightly-tipsy couple that clapped and screamed adventure! at various points -walked on.

"This is it," Mia said as the palace came into view and she gasped. There were no glittering domes, no turrets. Just a bleak brick palace with crumbling walls and rusted gates. The whole place seemed silent and had a sad aura to it, of decay and loss.

"I'll try to get in," Mia said as the party waited and she shuffled towards the soldiers guarding the gates. There were two who looked extremely sleep-deprived and tired.

Mia walked up to them as they straightened, rubbing their red eyes.

"Hey, what's the big idea huh?," one of them said in an agitated tone and pushed Mia back.

"I am Princess Mia Louise Romano. I want to meet my pare-"

"Scram, get lost," the other interrupted.

"Please! Listen to me! I reall-"

"Are you going or not!?", he roared, face red and eyes bloodshot, Mia nodded as they glared at her before running back to her group.

"No," she shook her head at the expectant looks of the people," they aren't letting me in".

"Damn," Kira bit her lip, eyes wide in excitement.

"We need to coerce the-" Cathy started.

"Oh Dearie! No worries! Wait and watch!", Celestine giggled and detaching herself from her husband, started swaggering up to the guards.

"Mum, no!," Cathy hissed and tried to follow her but her father gripped her hand." Stay," he said and he suddenly looked completely sober. Cathy nodded reluctantly.

All eyes were on the slim woman and the guards. Celestine smiled seductively at the guards, leaning in. The guards observed her as lust clouded their eyes and soon they were under Celestine's spell. A heated exchange of words followed after which the guards parted.

Celestine gave another coy smile and turned towards the party." Come on Darlings!".

They gratefully ran up to Celestine as the guards pulled open the rusty iron gates.

"Thank you," Mia smiled at Celestine.

"No worries hun," Celestine smiled back and moved towards Dominic.

"How?," Mia smiled in disbelief as she walked next to Cathy.

"She's a hypnotizer," Cathy raised her brows as Kira excitedly clapped her hands." Don't you think the girl is a bit too excited?", Cathy pointed at Kira.

Mia shrugged and smiled," She gets happy on little things".

"I'm gonna see a nice, grand, not-black palace for the first time!" Kira screamed and whizzed past them, into the palace as the others followed suite.

"What the-" Kira's exasperated voice rang in their ears as they all entered and gasped simultaneously.

Everything was covered in thick coats of dust and decorated with delicate webs of gossamer. Insects crawled on the faded walls and gems and jewels glittered at their feet as the chandelier hung bare, stripped of its crystals.

"Is this supposed to be a palace? No offence but my dimwit of a brother did a better job at maintaining our palace," Cathy commented, picking up her gown and observing the miscellaneous items strewn about.

Mia brushed off Cathy's words as she quickly located the not-so-grand-anymore staircase and walked towards it when she saw their family picture once more.

The picture was fading and it was torn at many places, Mia stroked the picture as she smiled sadly. Kira came behind her and patted Mia's shoulder as Mia smiled gratefully at her.

"Go," Kira urged. Mia nodded and ran upstairs.

All the memories came rushing back to her as she mounted the steps. The sweet lullaby rang in her ears as she took two steps at a time. Eager to feel the warmth of her father's hands once more.

She reached the landing and stood in front of the door to her nursery. She inhaled sharply, turned the doorknob and pushed. The door wouldn't budge. She pushed with all her weight and the door opened a crack.

Mia panted and slipped her fingers through the crack and pushed as the door opened. Her nursery was empty, it looked like no-one had entered here in a very long time. The curtains were pried apart and slanted rays of sunlight bathed the room. Wax pooled in places were once candles had wept.

Mia swallowed as waves of nostalgia enveloped her.

They aren't here.

She backed out of the room and closed the door softly.

Now I have to find them!?

She opened another door but found it empty. She kept repeating, opening and closing myriads of doors when finally  she stood in front of the last one.

She paused in front of it and hesitated as her hand hovered above the gold doorknob.

This is it. The moment I fantasized about. In a few seconds I'm going to see my parents and they will see me too.

Mia gulped as her palm tightened over the doorknob. She closed her eyes and turned the knob.

The door creaked open.

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