{Chapter 2}

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"Get up, up,up."

Mia rubbed her eyes and groaned sleepily, rolling over on the couch. After clearing last night's mess-exhausted- she had fallen asleep in the lounge.

"Get up and get lost will you?".

Mia yawned and partially opened her eyes only to be met with a horrible sight.

"What the-", Mia shouted and sat bolt upright, her eyes wide open when she saw her sister towering over her with a jug containing what looked like chilled, icy water.

"Dammit! So wanted to drench you," Violet stomped her foot and grimaced before giving Mia a malicious smile." Meh. Why the hell not?", with that she turned the jug upside down,splashing freezing water over Mia.

"Vi-Vio-", icy water droplets snaked down her neck as she stared at Violet, the shock of the water rubbing all the sleep out of her as she ran up to her room to change out of her soaked clothes.

Freaking nutcase.

She returned downstairs only to see her whole family dressed up in luxurious clothing and getting ready to go out.

"Where are you going?", Mia raised an eyebrow, enviously eyeing Breeze's lovely velvet ensemble." This early?".

Her question got lost amidst the chaos, Crystal busily jabbered loudly on the phone, occasionally smoothing the flared skirt of her silky, beige dress. Breeze videoed everything, narrating loudly in her annoying, high-pitched voice as her Father tapped his toes impatiently, straightening his suit.

"Will someone plea--".

"Oh shut up," Crystal snapped, closing her phone and applying a fresh coat of red lipstick." You know very wel--Oh my!", she gasped, clasping her hands to her chest as she rushed towards Violet who descended the stairs in a queenly manner.

"Love! You look ravishing!", Crystal wiped a tear as Violet wrapped her in a clumsy hug.

"Suits ya sis," Breeze complimented as Violet did a twirl for her adoring family who gasped and clapped in response. The mélange of expensive jewels on her mauve, satin dress glimmered softly as she moved, the beautiful fabric grazing her ankles.

"Thank you all!", Violet bowed awkwardly, the tight belt on her waist preventing her from bending."Let's move".

"Are you going to a party?", Mia asked innocently, a heavy feeling dawning upon her when she realized that she wasn't invited along.

Crystal put her hands on her hips and shook her head in annoyance." Stop playing dumb you moron".

"Do not, I repeat Do Not! ruin the most important day of my life a'right?!", Violet sneered, gazing at her reflection in the mirror as Crystal's phone rang and she left the house along with her grimacing husband and daughter.

"O--kay..?", Mia nodded uncertainly.

"We Elementals -unlike you- are given a dangerous mission to complete to see our maximum potential before being given admission into the grandest, most expensive elemental school evah!",  Violet said vainly as she twirled and giggled, applying a final touch to the bright makeup caking her face and giving her curls a bounce.

Mia shrugged before stating simply. "So it's your admission da--"

"No! It is the day I-Violet the great gain entrance into-".

Yeah yeah we know. The gweatesht and mosht expenshive shchool evah.

Mia grumbled and frowned as Violet glared at her and slowly advanced towards her.

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