{Chapter 6}

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Mia didn't notice when the car finally came to a halt, she didn't notice when steely clouds veiled the sun nor did she notice that they had reached her new home.

She noticed nothing, being far too wrapped up in her own tense world where the whole balance of life was uneven for her.

The car door opened, letting in a cold gust of air as well as Aunt Ruby's sweet yet firm voice calling out to her.

"Huh?", Mia absentmindedly looked at her Aunt who gave her a sad, sympathetic smile.

"Come on out sweetheart".


Mia stepped out of the car and was met with the first gentle drops of rain. She shivered as she realized that the universe wept acidic tears, as if equally melancholy for her. She stood there in the cold drizzle, letting the rain kiss her pale cheeks and numb her so that she couldn't feel the pain anymore. She closed her eyes and inhaled the delicious breath of rain as it washed away all her tears. Just as she was starting to enjoy the icy embrace of the breeze, Aunt Ruby's voice crooned.

"Mia Darl. You're going to catch a cold. Come on, come on inside".

She exhaled slowly and nodded just as the drizzling escalated to a fast shower. Mia shook her head.

They don't matter anymore. Nothing does. It's a new home, a new start. A fresh beginning. Bury the past.

But it's easier said than done. She sighed for the hundredth time, absorbed in her depressing thoughts as she followed her Aunt, shuffling slowly.

"Quickly now. Don't get drenched", Aunt Ruby said and Mia looked up to give her a smile but instead was met with the view of her Aunt's house. She paused,  gasping. When she rubbed her eyes and properly looked at the house, she had to do a double take.

That is a house!? More like a manor!

The exterior of the massive house was exquisitely beautiful! The walls were painted in soft, neutral tones that complimented the surroundings, vines of ivy snaked around the house and large, polished windows gleamed everywhere. Mia smiled when she saw the pretty, manicured garden spread out in front of her where lovely, exotic flowers bloomed. She inhaled the incense of the air and beamed, it smelt heavenly of wet earth and redolent flowers. A nightingale sang in the eaves.

God, it's beautiful!

Excited, Mia rushed inside the house and gasped -loudly this time- resulting in a short laugh from Aunt Ruby at her surprise.

The interior of the house was as astounding as the exterior! It's beauty was indescribably wonderful to the eye, with pristine, mirror-like tiles, floor to ceiling windows, exquisite choice of paint colours and spectacular design. There was a large, glass shelf at the front which possessed the most bizarre trinkets.

Chicken bones, mirrors, tarot cards, crystal balls, sconces, phials containing something like liquefied gold, diamond skulls, spangles.. what is all this?

"You do know I'm a forecaster dear?", Aunt Ruby explained, catching Mia looking at the foreign objects," If I don't wear all those dumb chains and veils and skirts that the traditionalists wear doesn't mean I can't predict the future," Aunt Ruby chuckled as she swiftly lit up a thick cigar.

Mia imagined her fashionable Aunt in gold sequins and indigo head scarfs and burst out laughing.

"Bizarre idea isn't it? Me and old-fashioned clothes, yergh," she took a long drag from her cigar and exhaled a plume of gray smoke.

"That's dangerous for your health," Mia commented, gingerly fingering a gold hookah pipe.

"Who cares? I know I'll die in my bed at 82 so why worry dear?" she said, surrounded by the gray haze of tobacco smoke."I just remembered, where is that godforsaken man? Alessandro!?" Aunt Ruby called out.

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