{Chapter 5}

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The birds chirped, the wind sang and as usual Violet screamed. It was such a common thing to wake up to that Mia had become accustomed to her shouts working as an excellent alarm for her- not that she actually wanted (or had a reason) to wake up early.

Mia yawned and strained her ears to hear what the commotion downstairs was about but all she could hear were strings of nonsensical ramblings.

"Bunch o' psychos dow-"

"You!", the door banged open suddenly and in came a red-faced Violet. Mia looked up at her sleepily, rubbing her eyes.

"Yes? May I help you?".

Violet exhaled in response and grabbed Mia by the scruff of her neck.

"That's a rude way to wake someone up! Not that I was asleep anyway," Mia squirmed and sleepily grumbled on," I command you to put me down!".

Violet kicked her and hauled her down the stairs as she screamed.

"The heck!? Are you in your senses?!". Violet pushed her in the lounge where Mia saw her parents standing with their arms crossed and Breeze grimacing at her.


"I do not want any explanations. just tell me did you or did you not snoop around in my room?" Violet screamed and Mia froze.

She gulped, sweating under the lasers shooting from Violet's eyes.

"Wha--", Mia swallowed,"around your roo-"

"Did you?! Or did you not!?".

"Stop blathering like a fool," her mother glared at her. "Answer my daughter, jerk".

Mia licked her suddenly dry lips and hesitantly nodded." Ye--yes I went to your room but I swear I wasn--".

"YO--YOU...!", Violet was unable to form proper sentences as she let out a frustrated cry before pointing to Mia's painted nails.

She spoke in a dangerously hushed tone,
" my room..my nail Polish and YOU DARE TO GO THERE!", tears started sprouting out of her eyes as she sulked and screamed."Mum! Look now my Maybelline bottle is infected with germs now!".

"Violet, I'm so--". Mia started but was cut-off by her Mother.

"Doesn't matter dear, I'll buy you two new ones," Crystal muttered, patting her daughter's back before she faced Mia, her lips pursed." As for you. What do you have to say about the artwork on my favourite couch?".

"Favourite?", Mia frowned and furrowed her brows." You absolutely despised it because it wasn't soft en--".

Crystal put up a palm," It was always my favou--".

"But you sai--".

"Enough! I know what I said!", Crystal snapped as she slapped Mia -rendering her speechless." Would you be kind enough to explain as to why you did that!?".

"It--it was a mistake", Mia stuttered, folding her arms on her chest, trying to ignore the stinging on her now-red cheek.


"Listen here you moron", Mia's Father barged- uninvited- in their 'polite' conversation." We have had it up till here with you!", he held his hand above his head as he gestured and the pointed to Mia." We all are sick of you".

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