{Chapter 1}

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With that her troublesome life faded away just like a dandelion swaying in the gentle breeze, and she lived happily ever after.

Happily ever after
Happily ever after
Happily ever after

Mia ran her fingers across that paragraph, reading those lines again and again, repeating each syllable slowly, pronouncing each word carefully, until they were imprinted on her brain-hoping that somehow by constantly reading them she could caste some spell and her own troublesome life would also fade away just like that.

"Sweetheart, the remote," Violet Sangfwad's cloyingly sweet voice interrupted Mia's blissful thoughts as she sat down, furiously jabbing at her phone.
"Move it will you? Midnight with Ethan is up in ten!", she whined, pausing momentarily to inspect her manicured nails before tapping on her phone again.

Midnight with Ethan? Huh more like flirting with Ethan.

Mia sighed and ignored her, focusing on the vibrant cover of the book as it was more interesting and the remote was easily reachable by her sister.

"Goddamn you," Violet muttered," Five minutes left! Move your lazy arse will you?", she looked up and glared at Mia.

"Violet..", Mia sighed as she put the book down, realizing that talking to Violet was as useless as playing drums against deaf ears. Mia exhaled dramatically and stood up, shaking her head she shuffled towards the coffee table where the remote rested.

Calling my arse lazy when she's the one who can't be bothered to move her--erm derrière.

Mia picked up the remote and gave it to Violet who stopped typing and reached out to take the remote but instead, suddenly grabbed Mia's wrist and held it tightly.

"What are you doin-- Ow!", Mia yelped as Violet's nails dug into her skin." Leave my hand!", Mia bent her wrist and tried to loosen Violet's hold but to no avail. Her grip was iron." Will you plea--".

Violet looked straight up at her, shooting daggers with her piercing glare.

Oh damn.

Mia bit her lip at her mistake. Violet's purple eyes seemed to darken as a shadow crosses her eyes, she stared stonily at Mia's green ones and nodded slowly as a thousand pieces of jewellery on her body jangled in harmony.

"Di--did you just call my derr-- me lazy? Did you say that I am lazy?", Violet said in a brusque and menacing tone, cocking her head to the side.

"I--I didn't call you lazy," Mia muttered, lowering her gaze," Just thought".

"Which--" Violet paused mid-sentence as her phone beeped, she held up a finger as she typed something quickly and Mia measured the distance between her and the front door. "Yeah where was I?", Violet threw her phone away," By the way you can't actually escape me so that thought was useless".

Mia shrugged as Violet stood up and twisted her wrist a little. Mia bit her lip to stop from crying out.

"Thinking is the same as saying to me you know. You are perfectly aware that I can hear your thoughts yet you--" Violet trailed off, pursing her lips and gesturing wildly." And Mia I really, really hate backbiters and liars even more than I hate you".

"I'm sorry," Mia looked pleadingly at Violet as she jabbed a finger on Mia's chest.

"I'm not known for forgiving my enemies," Violet hissed and twisted Mia's wrist.

"Violet!", Mia shouted," Vi--Ow! You'll brea--Ow!! Stop it you idiot!", Mia glared at Violet before biting her lip, her face as white as a sheet. Violet let go of her wrist as Mia's heart pounded in her chest.

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