BONUS CHAPTER - Beginnings

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This chapter is the same chapter as 23. Silence, but told in Logan's POV. Enjoy (:

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I never thought I'd talk about Emily again - especially not to Cameron of all people. It's not that I don't want her to know everything about me, because obviously I do. It's just that it hurts too much to talk about Emily. It hurts too much being the only one who knows the full story. The real one. That doesn't matter now. When I woke up in the hospital and saw Cameron there, it hit me that I want a future with her. It hit me that I'm in love with her. If I had never been in love before then I don't think I would've known right away. In a weird way, Emily helped me realize how much I care about Cameron.

It takes more effort for me to push Cameron away and hide things from her than it does to tell her everything I've ever experienced, thought, and felt. I don't think she realizes how hard it is for me to not overwhelm her. That's the main reason I've been pushing her away. It's selfish, but I'm afraid of getting hurt again. To be honest, I'm afraid of hurting her. I'm terrified I'm the villain in her story. Distancing myself from Cameron, and consulting Chloe helps get my thoughts straightened out and I pick up the phone to ask Cameron on an official date. I can nearly feel her grin through the phone as I ask.

I spend the rest of the day with Chloe, freaking out about the date. By the time I pick an outfit I don't feel completely unattractive in, my apartment floor is covered in nearly every item of clothing I have. Chloe's by my side to document my chaos for Athena, and as moral support to stop be from chickening out on my date with Cameron.

Approaching the house, gravity grabs a hold of my heart and yanks it right into my stomach. Looking to the pineapple in my hand for some form of comfort, I ring the doorbell and hear shuffling inside the house. My heart starts to seize as I hear the door unlock, but any and all anxiety I have melts away as soon as Cameron's face lights up and her laughter fills the air. I live through music and art, but I wouldn't mind if the only sound I heard from now on was Cameron's melodic voice.

"A pineapple?" She questions through her laughter.

I shrug with a large grin plastered to my face, "Flowers are too traditional. Plus it's national pineapple day."

Cameron takes the pineapple and leads me into her house. She glances over her shoulder with a smirk asking, "You know what they say about pineapple, right?" Her eyebrow cocks at me, and my eyes widen. "You're not trying to tell me something, are you?"

I swallow hard and throw up my hands in defense, denying vigorously. "What? No. I just really like pineapples, I swear." She sends me another small laugh and heads to set the pineapple in her kitchen. I pass by the kitchen, noticing her family in the other room and excitedly greet them all. Christina's face lights up as I bend down to hug her, and Mrs. Bailey sends a million compliments my way, making my cheeks redden. Even Cameron's step-dad is laughing and I'm not sure if it's at me or with me, but it's something and I can't complain.

I'm jealous of Cameron's family. They're all so close and care about one another so deeply. One of my favorite things to hear Cameron talk about is her family because she has a dynamic with them that I never did. The people I consider my family are Chloe and Athena. I love my siblings, I do, but I barely talk to them, let alone see them. Even the way Christina and Cameron talk about one another makes me jealous. They're never malicious and they always brag about one another.

Cameron soon comes into the room and stands beside me, and I can't help the smile that tugs at the corner of my lips. I continue talking to her family for a few minutes before she interrupts and steals me back away from them. I lead the way to my truck once we're outside and as I go to walk around the side of my car, I catch Cameron eying me up and down and jokingly make a comment that makes her blush.

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