6. Shirley Temples

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Christina is currently digging through my closet on the hunt for the perfect outfit for today. She forced me to sit in my towel on my bed as she scavenges for what I can wear. "Found it!" Christina's triumphant statement is followed by a crash and a thud once she hits the floor. "I'm okay!" She gets up and runs towards me frantically. This side of Christina is kind of scary.

She extends the dress she has in her hand out to me. It's a mint color with a lace overlay. The dress has a boat neckline, and short lace sleeves. I stand up, and take the dress from Christina. I had honestly forgotten about having this dress. I walk to my dresser to grab a bra and underwear, and then walk to the bathroom. I quickly slip into the dress, and walk out of the bathroom for Christina's approval.

Christina has a large grin plastered on her face, but insists she needs to fix my hair. I don't want anything too fancy, but she convinces me to let her curl my dirty blonde tresses. After Christina finishes my hair, I do my make up. When I walk out of the bathroom this time, Christina hands me gold bracelets, and I slide them onto my wrist. Once I was completely finish getting ready, Christina takes a step back to admire her handiwork.

She gives me her seal of approval and walks me downstairs. My mom let me take her car for the day, so she doesn't have to drive me. Christina makes me promise  to give her all the juicy details of the party.

I program my GPS a little after 5 o'clock with the address Alycia gave me. She told me that the party would technically start at 4, but the first hour is always awkward with so many people arriving and her having to greet everyone. My GPS's instructions lead me to the gated community in town. Why am I surprised? Of course Alycia lives in one of these mansions.

After I get past the gate, I follow my phone's directions to Alycia's house. The driveway looks more like an airplane runway lined with tall, beautiful trees. Somehow, the driveway seems to be packed, so I park on the side of the street. I jump out of my mom's car and begin making my way to Alycia's house. Her house is unreal.

Alycia's house is large, and half cream colored, half covered in stone. The entrance looks like the entrance to a luxury hotel that Beyoncé would stay at. There are windows everywhere of all shapes and sizes, but none of them clash with each other. The front steps of the house are stone, and lead to the large wooden double doors. I ring the doorbell and am greeted by a small woman who is clearly dressed in a uniform. Is her entire job to open the door and greet people? Is that a thing?

I search around for Alycia, but have no luck. I'm surrounded by a world so unfamiliar to me that I'm starting to want to make a break for it and run back home. I look like I can fit in with these people, but I feel like I never could. I'm pretty sure I can't even afford to breathe the same air as these people. I duck my way through the sea of people in the house and head to the backyard. There are tables and white tents set up throughout the entire yard that absolutely no one is sitting at. There's a bar area, and a DJ, but the DJ isn't into it at all. The only songs that are playing are soft and classical sounding. At most they sound like a Celine Dion album. Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate a good Celine Dion song, but this DJ seems to be miserable. There are people dressed in vests and ties walking around the yard and in and out of the house with plates of hors d'oeuvres, offering them to the guests.

I take one of the small hors d'oeuvres from one of the caterers and just as I'm about to take a bite, I spot Alycia making her way towards me. My eyes widen at how beautiful she looks. She's wearing a white dress that clings to her form, but still manages to look professional. She has her hair straightened and wrapped into a perfect bun on the back of her head, and she's wearing a bold red lipstick. I swear she gets more perfect every time I see her.

She has a smile plastered on her face. You know when you see someone who you have a flirty relationship with, and you can't help but smile at them no matter how hard you try? That's the kind of smile Alycia has right now. It's making the corners of my lips turn upwards.

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