23. Silence

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Logan takes a few days to cool down after taking me to meet Emily. Logan can take all the time she needs from now on. I know she's trying her hardest to let me in. Fortunately, Logan calls me and asks me on an official date, and I know she can feel my grin through the phone. Christina begs to help me get ready for my date with Logan, but I surprisingly decline. She pouts at me, but I promise her a rain check for being my personal stylist.

The doorbell rings later in the day, and Christina hurdles off of the couch. Luckily, my mom is sitting next to Christina and pulls her back down effortlessly with one hand, not even bothering to look away from the TV. Christina pouts again, slumping into the couch more. I open the front door, laughter immediately escaping me as I see Logan proudly extending a pineapple to me.

"A pineapple?" I question.

"Flowers are too traditional. Plus it's national pineapple day." She announces, beaming widely.

I accept the pineapple, leading Logan into the kitchen. "You know what they say about pineapple, right?" I cock an eyebrow at Logan. "You're not trying to tell me something, are you?"

Logan's eyes widen nervously. "What? No. I just really like pineapples, I swear." She holds her hands up in defense, earning another small chuckle from me. I set the pineapple on the kitchen counter while Logan greets my family in the other room. Walking into the room, I soon get the feeling that I don't want to take her away from them. Christina is bantering with Logan, my mom radiates happiness just looking at Logan, and even Jayson is talking to her – and Jayson doesn't talk to anyone. It's no surprise that my mom fully supports the idea of Logan and me dating. My mom has been on team Logan since day one, even though she bit her tongue through my relationship with Alycia. After the break up, my mom told me that she liked Alycia, a lot, but she didn't like us together. Apparently my mom could see that I wasn't as happy as I could be. Alycia was still my best friend though, and losing her still broke a piece of my heart, but my mom doesn't try to hide her excitement that I'm now available to date Logan.

After several minutes pass of my family stealing all of Logan's attention, I interrupt to drag Logan away from them. Logan and I say goodbye to my parents and Christina, and head out the door. Logan walks ahead of me and I can't help but admire her. She never has to try, and she always looks breathtaking. Her hair is down for once, cascading over her shoulders, and framing her face perfectly. She catches me staring at her and teases me for it, causing my cheeks to redden.

Logan drives to a regional park and finds a spot by the lake to park her truck. The sun is nearly setting by the time we get there, and I head towards the lake as soon as the car stops. "Whoa, where are you going?" Logan's words stop me. I give her a confused look and she gestures me back over to her, where she's now standing behind the bed of her truck. Logan turns me around and instructs me not to move or look towards her, and then takes a few moments to remove the flat cover off of the bed of the truck. A few moments later, she turns me back around, covering my eyes with her hands. As she removes her hands, a smile pulls at my lips. The bed of her truck is filled with blankets and pillows and she runs around the side of the truck to grab her laptop out of a bag in her backseat.

Logan slides her shoes off, setting them in her backseat along with her now empty bag, then leaps into the mass of blankets and pillows she's created, extending a hand to request I join her. We both settle into the bed of her truck, and she pulls up a movie to watch on her laptop. We start the movie keeping our distance, but I begin inching my way closer to her slowly. By the time the movie ends, our hands are intertwined and she's beaming at me with her signature, crooked smile I'm so weak for.

"The best part about this spot?" Logan asks. She closes her laptop and sets it aside, and I swallow hard in anticipation for what's next. "There's minimal light pollution in the park." She extends her arm towards the sky, grinning like a child. I glance up at the night sky, appreciating the view of the stars, but I glance back to her appreciating the view of Logan even more. I want to stay here forever. I want this moment to last because I'm terrified I won't get another one with her. All I know is that I want to spend every moment I can beside Logan Spencer.

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