5. Impossibilities

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Avoiding Logan is harder than I thought. I guess once you start to purposefully avoid someone, you feel like they're around a lot more. Logan usually isn't at lunch. If she does stop by, it's only to say hello and leave, but when she is there I avoid even making eye contact with her.

Alycia is now eating every lunch with us, and it's a nice distraction from the Logan problem. It's not that Athena, Chloe, and Christina aren't all wonderful distractions, but Alycia is different. She's not just a friendly distraction. Sometimes she makes me feel like she could be interested in me.

I don't need to be worried about anyone being interested in me. I should just focus on school and friends and getting through senior year. But the girls in this freaking town are so pretty it makes it so hard not to think about being in a relationship.

I just want someone whose sweatshirts I can steal, and who will curl up in bed and watch reruns of Friends with me. I mean is that really too much to ask?

My second week of school flies by even faster than my first. That makes avoiding Logan feel a little easier. As soon as the bell rings to leave, I grab my stuff and make a beeline for the door. I don't make it far into the hallway when someone suddenly pulls me to the side.

It's Logan. Of course.

I roll my eyes at her and hike up the bag on my back. "I have to go Logan. I can't miss my bus." I don't give her a chance to speak before I attempt to walk away. It's an attempt that I fail miserably.

She pulls me back again gently, and puts an arm on either side of me against the wall to entrap me. I let her keep me there in that moment. I know that even if I get away this time, she'll find a way to corner me some other time. "Are you avoiding me?" She asks sincerely.

"Is it that obvious?" I let the snarky remark slip from my mouth. I feel bad for sounding harsh at first. That feeling doesn't last long. "You asked your question. Can I go now?"

"Why are you acting so weird?" She asks. I avoid looking at her eyes as much as possible. I know that if I stare into those electric blue eyes of hers, I'll forget why I'm avoiding her. "Please don't tell me that you're bailing on our date." I don't have to look at her to know she is smiling ever so slightly. I can hear it in her voice.

"Bailing?" I lock eyes with her. Just keep your composure, Cammie. You can do this. I think to myself. "I can't bail on something I never said yes to."

"You never said no to it either." Logan's blue eyes shift between my green ones, then down to my lips for a split second. Shit. She locks eyes with me again and I feel my stomach flip.

"I'm telling you no now." I have to lick my lips because they feel dry all of a sudden. "I'm not letting myself fall for another jerk."

Logan arches an eyebrow at me and smirks, "Is that your way of admitting you may have feelings for me?"

"Don't flatter yourself." I retort.

"Look, Cameron." Logan lowers her arms to her side. I can make a break for it if I really want to, but my feet aren't listening to my brain right now. "I know I come off as an asshole, but I promise that if you give me a chance I become a slightly more lovable asshole."

"I'm not interested in playing games." I don't give Logan another chance to speak. I take the chance to leave while I still have it. I know the type of girl Logan is. I know that she's the type to hook up and leave. I'm not interested.

Once I'm halfway down the hallway, I hear her call after me. "Just give me one chance."

I turn around to face Logan, but don't stop moving. "You don't want one chance, Logan. You want one night."

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