9. Sweatshirts and Soccer Games

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I originally had plans to avoid all human contact for the entire week at school, but Chloe and Athena convinced me to go to the soccer game on Thursday. Christina went home, most likely to eat and take a nap. Part of me is wishing I had followed her lead. The other part is just happy to see Alycia.

Alycia's practice got cancelled today so she gets to join us at the game. Chloe, Athena, and I find a spot on the bleachers. The majority of the crowd at this soccer game is parents and siblings of the players. We're pretty much the only students in the stands. If that isn't bad enough, the bleachers are practically empty. According to Athena, Chloe's almost boyfriend plays on the team and that's why they come to all the games.

Chloe doesn't label herself. She believes that things like love and gender are fluid, and there's no need to try to fit someone else's mold. I admire that.

I pull out my phone to text Alycia before she gets to the game, and ask her if she has an extra sweatshirt that I can borrow. The fall is colder than I'm used to, and gets even worse once the sun goes down. I feel like I'm a pansy when it comes to the cold, but to be fair I was used to Florida weather and shorts in December.

Alycia arrives, and has no trouble finding us. She takes a seat next to me and hands me a sweatshirt. The sweatshirt has the school's logo on the front with "Varsity Field Hockey" written below it. Alycia's last name is written across the back above her jersey number.

I pull the hoodie over my head, and wiggle it onto my torso. It smells clean, like it was just washed, and feels more comfortable than I had originally thought it looked. I scoot a couple inches closer to Alycia and send her a small smile before returning my attention to the soccer game that was about to begin.

During halftime, the four of us got up to get food from the concession stand. We were sitting back in our spot on the bleachers, enjoying our wonderfully horrible food once the second half started. I turned my head to look at the scoreboard, and saw a familiar face making her way towards us.

Logan climbed onto the bleachers and took a seat next to Chloe. She greeted everyone, and turned to me. "Nice sweatshirt." The smile that had been on display all game was instantly wiped from my face.

Alycia ignores Logan's comment, and sends her a large grin. "I thought you'd never show up."

"Almost didn't." Logan admits. "But then I figured I better leave the cave for awhile." I have no idea what the cave is, but I'm guessing that Logan hides there more often than her friends would like.

"Well thank you for leaving." Alycia sounded sincere, as always. She's the most genuine person I think I've ever met in my life. "I haven't seen you since the mixer, and even then I barely got to see you."

Logan shrugs, but Chloe interrupts before she can speak. "Well whenever Logan isn't locked up in the cave, you're the one who's busy with sports and the country club."

"Okay, fair enough." Alycia accepts defeat.

Alycia, Logan, and Chloe all banter back and forth for the majority of the game. Athena moved at some point to sit next to me, and we did a combination of watching the actual soccer game, and people watching. Athena kept making me laugh, and at one point I laughed so hard that I snorted and drew attention from the entire crowd. That only made Athena laugh at me more.

After the game, Chloe skipped down to where she could meet the players and waited for her almost boyfriend - I really need to learn his name. Chloe pulled Athena along with her, so I was left with Alycia and Logan. Alycia offered me a ride home, and I gladly accepted without hesitation. Logan walked with us out of the stadium and talked to Alycia, but I stayed mostly silent.

All I want to do is go back to that night on top of the Arts Center, and stay there as long as possible. I don't even know why, I just do. I want to see that side of Logan again. I feel like that night was the real Logan, and every other interaction I had with her was just an act or a face she put on for everyone. I like the Logan I saw far more than the Logan everyone else seemed to see.

Logan went the opposite direction as Alycia and me after exiting the stadium. After easily spotting Alycia's bright car in the parking lot, I climbed into the car and started to zone out. I zoned back in as Alycia turned onto my street. She pulled in front of my house, but instead of watching me walk inside, she walked me to the door this time.

Alycia kept me on my porch by keeping conversation going, but I could tell that's not why she wanted to keep me outside. I took a small step closer to Alycia and noticed the nervousness in her eyes. Her eyes jolted away from me, and she locked her gaze with her hands. She started picking at her fingernails, and started stammering when she spoke.

Alycia's eyes locked with mine, and she inhaled deeply before her lips parted slightly. "W-What are you doing Saturday night?"

The corners of my lips lifted. "Most likely watching TV or reading. So nothing."

"D-Do you maybe want to go on a date with me?" Alycia was so nervous that it was nearly impossible to say no even if I wanted to. "I promise no country club parties."

I chuckled at her comment, which earned a small smile from her. "I would love to."

"G-Great." She beamed at me. "I will text you and let you know when I'll pick you up." I don't know how, but saying yes seemed to make Alycia more nervous than before.

She kept looking between my eyes and my lips, and I knew what she was thinking. She was about to speak again, when I moved closer to her and gently kissed her cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow, Alycia."

A vast grin grew on Alycia's face, and she nearly skipped down the steps of my porch after saying goodbye. I reached for the front door, but remembered I was still wearing Alycia's sweatshirt. I turned around and called after her, then went to pull it off.

"Oh it's okay." Alycia reassured me. "You can just give it back when I pick you up for our date." She smiled, and I couldn't help but return the grin.

"Deal." I pulled the sweatshirt back down and walked through my front door.

Christina is sleeping on one of the couches in the family room. I surprisingly don't want to mess with her today. I grab a blanket that's sitting on the ottoman and drape it over her. I don't want to make too much noise in case it wakes her up, so I head upstairs to my room. My parents aren't home, so I'm assuming they're out either getting Jayson's new car registered or inspected.

I occupy myself for the next hour or so with homework. Most of the work that takes up my time is for calculus, but there's no huge surprise there. There are moments when I'm doing homework for math that I'm completely clueless and desperate for help, and all I want to do is call Logan for help. I always seem to stop myself before I can pick up the phone though. I don't know what's stopping me from asking for help. I guess it's just the fact that it's Logan.

I finish my homework eventually and decide to read for a while. At least tomorrow is Friday. Once I get through that I can go on my date with Alycia. I'm hoping Saturday night will be as perfect as she is.


Hey everyone, sorry this chapter is so short, but I guess it evens out with the last chapter being so long?

Chapter song: "Be Yours" by Betsy Phillips (it's not the song at the beginning of this chapter)

I had mentioned today (6/9/18) that I have been wanting a new cover for Bleeding Color. Well I had three incredible people make a new cover for me and because I love to thank each and every one of them, the cover posted in this chapter was made by @queen_of_sass. Thank you so much for your time and creation! 

Until next time,
Adrienne (:

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