13. Ugly Sweater Weather

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Two months fly by quicker than I care to try to remember all the little details. The weather is a lot colder now, and it hits just as I start to get used to the fall chill. Christina complains how miserable she is walking up Alycia's never-ending driveway and I huddle closer to her for warmth. After the door is opened for us and our coats are taken, Christina inhales deeply, preparing herself for Alycia's holiday party.

We enter the main living room where most of the partygoers are and it's jarring to see a lively group of people when I can only remember the country club mixer I attended three months ago. I ask Christina if she wants to stick together throughout the night, but much to my surprise, she declines my offer and disappears into the crowd of teenagers.

I stand still, laser focused on scoping out the food table when I feel someone gently grab my hand and start to lead me away. I grin to myself knowing the culprit is Alycia. I don't have a chance to greet her before she excitedly blurts out, "I have something for you" and points to a beautifully wrapped box sitting on the massive mahogany dining room table in front of me.

"Alycia," I'm in awe and feel my cheeks redden. "I told you not to get me anything."

"No I know. But I-I couldn't help myself." Alycia still stutters occasionally around me even after two months of dating, and I still smile every time I notice her fumble on her own words. She hands me the box and stops me as I begin to open, "Just know that this is a joke. I don't want you taking it seriously."

I nod and continue unwrapping the box. Alycia takes the wrapping paper from me so I can use both hands to see what's inside of the box. I set the box back on the table and can't help my laughter as I pull out an ugly Christmas sweater. "I seriously love it." I tell her between chuckles and thank her with a small peck. She leans in again to give me another small kiss and my cheeks redden again. "In fact I love it so much, I'm gonna wear it all night." I say to her with a facetious tone.

We laugh about the sweater and I wouldn't mind spending the rest of the night here with her and away from the rest of the party, but someone interrupts and I'm not at all surprised. "Hey Alycia," a stranger with long, straight black hair and dark eyes towers over me and completely ignores my presence as she asks Alycia a question I don't hear that effectively sends her away.

The stranger turns to me after Alycia leaves and speaks abruptly, not caring to introduce herself. "Cammie, right? So you're the new girl this town can't shut up about?" My mouth parts, but no words manage to make their way out. The intimidating stranger sends me a laugh and reassures me, "I'm just teasing you. People come and go in this town and no one gives a shit. But I have heard your name in passing. Especially since you're dating my ex." My mouth suddenly feels dry and I swallow noticeably enough for the stranger to laugh at me. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out, I'm completely kidding. Okay rewind." She shakes her head and smiles, "Hey, I'm Laurel Spencer, you might know my little sister, L-"

"Logan." I sigh with relief, understanding the girl in front of me means no harm.

Laurel cocks her eyebrow at me, "Are you one of her-"

"No." I quickly cut Laurel off again. "No I haven't had the pleasure of spending one night with the infamous Logan Spencer." Laurel snickers, hearing the cynicism in my words.

"I admire you, Cammie." Laurel is blunt and I grin, appreciating her honesty. "But I'm still deciding on how I feel about you in general. After all, you are inevitably in a lot of lives of those I care about." She studies me briefly, eyeing me up and down, then leaving without allowing me to say another word in defense.

I'm left alone again and continue my hunt for the food. I don't like parties and mingle very concisely with anyone I cross paths with throughout the night, always ending up back at the food table. As the night continues, most of the people in attendance are noticeably intoxicated, but no one is super trashed and I respect that about this group of people. Until I notice the three boys completely wasted; one can't keep his eyes open when speaking, one is rocking and nodding his head in response to anyone speaking in his general direction, and one is passed out under the kitchen table.

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