Chapter 16

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Hey here comes chapter 16.

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Sharon's POV

Finally the car stopped I looked around but that place was deserted I couldn't find anyone not even a single person on the road it was starting to get dark everything was barely visible. Ashton got out of the car and started walking till he reached my door. He opened the door and I got out of the car.

"Where are we?" I asked him I was very confused and scared.

"Wait" he said and left me alone there and went towards his driver after a minute the driver left 'why did he leave' I said to myself now I was scared to death the strange feeling started to get stronger and stronger then I saw Ashton coming back to me.

"What is going on?" I said in a scared voice.

"It's ok my love, you are safe with me" he said.

"But I don't feel safe" I said to him.

"Come on let's go" he said and took my hand we started walking.

Each step we were taking my heartbeat was getting slower and slower my hand were getting cold and I was feeling very weak I looked around to see anything or a person but no one was there only me and Ashton and I don't remember ever seeing this place before.

Finally I saw a house at the end of the road, I guess we were heading there because I couldn't see anything else other than the house; the walk was very long my legs were paining now but I was still walking with him. We reached the house and stopped in front of the house.

It was a huge house but it looked very dull like no one lives here anymore to reach the door we had to climb six stairs, we climbed the stairs and stopped at the door.

"Whose house is this?" I asked.

"I use to live here" he said.

"So why are we here for?" I asked him.

"You will see" he said and then he put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a cloth from his pocket and brought it near my eyes I pushed his hands and asked him "What are you doing?" I was frightened.

"Blindfolding you" he said.

"Why?" I asked in horror.

"Part of my surprise" he said.

"But I don't want to get blindfold" I said.

"You have to" he said and by that he forcefully blindfolded me.

"Stop it Ashton" I said in protest but he didn't bother and blindfolded me and he caught hold of my hands so that I don't remove the blindfold.

He unlocked the door and we were inside the house now the house was very cold I thought it will be very warm inside but it was oddly very cold. We walked further and it was freezing now and I was starting to shiver now.

I heard him unlock another door he helped me walk I guess we were in another room now and that room was also cold very cold, ice cold to be precise. He was still holding my hands both of them.

"Why is it so cold here?" I asked him.

"You will know why." He said.

"You are not going to answer any of my questions are you?'' I asked he was starting to annoy me now by all the suspense and the surprise.

"Like I said you will have to wait for it" he said, I didn't say anything, I didn't want to.

"Ok I'll let go of your hands but you have to promise me that you will not remove your blindfold." Ashton finally spoke up.

"Ok I promise" I said.

He let go of my hands I didn't try to remove the blindfold I was scared to even touch it.

"Now I am going to remove the blindfold and you will see your surprise" he said.

"Ok" I said and waited for him to remove the blindfold I could feel that he was standing at the back of me.

He slowly removed the blindfold. I opened my eyes but the light was hurting my eyes as my eyes were closed for a very long time. I shut my eyes tight and slowly open them again. When I opened my eyes I saw Ashton standing in front of me and smiling.

"Let me introduce you to my mom and dad." He said 'what!!!' I shouted in my mind. He now took my hand and now he was standing beside me. I was still looking at him.

"Come" he said.

I looked around the room and I was surprised to see that the room was covered with ice, there was ice everywhere on the ceiling on the walls and also on the floors 'so this is why it is so cold in here' I said to myself and the next question that came in my mind was 'why there is ice here?' I thought of asking Ashton.

"Why there is ice all over the room?" I asked him.

"Because it will not destroy the things I persevered" he said.

"And what is that?" I asked.

"You will know that very soon" he said and we started walking we reached to the end of the room and something was covered with a very huge white cloth which was touching the ceiling of the room.

"Stand here" he said and went towards the cloth and pulled it down.

And what I saw was the most terrifying horrible and the scariest thing ever, I have never seen anything like that in my life till now not also in the movies I was shocked and terrified I wanted to close my eyes and run away but I guess I didn't have the courage to do so.

There were two dead bodies in different tubes which were filled with something which was liquid. One body was of a women and another was of a man.

"Mom, Dad meet Sharon" he said to the dead bodies.

"Sharon my Mom and Dad" he said.

I looked back at him with fear in my eyes I didn't know what I was more scared of the dead bodies or Ashton.

Hey guys I am done with chapter 16.

I really hope you like this chapter.

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