Chapter 2

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 Hey guys here comes the second chapter please vote and comment J


As I entered the school I saw Jason with Mark, I soon went to him “Hey" I said.

"Hi babe you are late" said Jason and then kissed me, I kissed him back and pulled back quickly.

"I have to tell you something" I said looking sad.

"Yea babe what is it?" he asked looking concerned I guess he saw the sad look on my face.

"It’s about our date" I said still looking sad.

"Yea what about that?" he said looking worried and disappointed I bet he knew what I was going to tell him.

"We need to cancel our date I am sorry, I tried to convince mom but --'' before I could complete my sentence Jason interrupted me.

"It’s ok Sharon I understand don’t worry I’ll come to your place on Saturday and we will watch a movie together, I hope that is ok with your mom" Jason said casually.

“Yea that is good idea I am sure mom will not mind that" I said looking happy.

"Good lets go to class we are already late" Jason said showing his watch to me.

"Yea" I said and left for the class, we both went to the class and took our seats, me and Jason always use to sit together in every class, fortunately we had almost every class together this year for which I thanked God every day, our first period was history and God I hated History so much it is boring and useless I mean who would want to live in past at least I don’t I was so involved in my thoughts that I dint notice Jason was looking at me suspiciously.

As I looked back at him and he said "Are still upset about the date"

"NO I am just ---"   "Good morning class" said Mr. Taylor our History teacher.

"Take your seats everyone I am going to start a new chapter today" said Mr. Taylor smiling

"OH God save me" I said and Jason started laughing.

"What are you laughing about?" I asked.

"Why do hate history so much?" He said.

"Because it is very boring and I always fall asleep in history class and Mr. Taylor hates me for that" I said frowning.

"So let’s begin" said Mr. Taylor.

 He stared his chapter on Liberalism, obviously it was boring and I was not paying attention to any of it, I was thinking about our date which will now take place at my house, who plan there date in their house that is so stupid but I don’t have any choice do I? but I can ask my mom to leave the house for some time so that me and Jason could spent some time together that way I can be alone with him and my mom will also not worry about me wow that sounds like a great idea, but I really hope mom agrees to this.

Trrrrriiiiiinnnnngggg trrrrriiiiiinnnnngggg oh history period is over wow that went fast, "So you survived it huh" said Jason.

"Yes I did because I wasn't paying attention" I said smiling.

The day went by and it was time to go back home and I really wanted to talk to mom about Jason. I reached home and went to my room. My room was perfect I loved it so much. I took bath and wore blue jeans and black top, I was thinking what to do next and then I realized I had homework to do, so I started doing my homework by the time I was done it was 7 pm. It was time for mom to be back; I went down stairs and waited for her watching T.V in our living room.

“Hi dear” said mom smiling entering the living area.

“Hey mom how was your day?” I asked smiling back.

“Good and yours?” she said.

“Usual” I said.

“I’ll go and freshen up ok dear” said mom and left the living room. “Ok” I said and continued watching T.V. As soon as mom comes I ask her about Jason coming to our house on Saturday I am confident that she will not mind Jason coming to our house but I am not sure about leaving us alone in the house, she might not agree to this, but she have to I said in my mind she is not leaving me any choice I have to wait for the right moment to ask her about this.

I am not getting any calls or letters, I don’t feel anyone stalking me anymore, I think that masked boy got scared after getting beaten up by Jason ha ha ha  I smiled to myself.

“What are you watching?” Mom interrupted my thought.

“Nothing, just a boring movie” I said casually.

“Want to help me with dinner?” mom asked smiling.

Got my right moment “Yea sure” I said smiling; mom looked surprised because I usually don’t help her in making dinner unless I wanted something. And I really wanted her to give me what I want.

“Come on then” she said and left the living room; I followed her to the kitchen and waited for her to give me instructions on what I have to do.

“I am going to make grilled duck breast with a sour cherry sauce” said mom looking excited she loved cooking and I hated it.

“Mmmmm sounds yummy” I said.

“Pass me the bowl please” she said slicing some apricots.

“Here” I said placing it on the counter.

“Mom I need to talk about my date” I said in a little worried voice.

“No dear I will not let you go out in night we have already discussed about it” Mom said casually doing work.

“No mom it’s not about going out” I said in a convincing voice.

“Good then what is it” she questioned me.

“I was thinking that is Jason cold come to our place on Saturday and” I stopped to study her expression.

“Go on dear I am listening” she said normally.

“And I was thinking if we could have house to our self for some time and that way we could spent some time alone and you will not have to worry about me and you can also have some time for yourself too” I rushed on the last words, I was looking at her she dint respond for some time and then looked at me.

“Dear you can sure bring Jason home but I do not like the idea of you too alone in the house, you know what I mean” mom said looking sad I know what she meant but we are not planning to anything like that at least till we get to know each other a little more.

”Mom we are not planning on that trust me” I said in a convincing voice.

“Ok I don’t promise but I’ll think about it” mom said smiling.

“Ok mom thanks” I said happily it is the first time she agreed on something with me, well she dint agreed but at least she’ll think about it I still have hope.

“Ok now go and set the table dinner is almost ready” said mom. I took the plates and started setting the table.

“Dinner is ready” I shouted to call Ken downstairs.

“Coming” Ken shouted.

We had our dinner peacefully and I went to clean the dishes, it was my turn today, as I was cleaning the dishes I was thinking about my date, I can’t wait for Saturday still one day is left.

After cleaning the dishes I went to my room and changed, I laid on my bed thinking about Jason I was so in love with him I really want to get marry to him someday we could be a great couple, we don’t get bored from each other nor do we want to see someone else.

I smiled to myself and said “Love you Jason” and closed my eyes.

I am done with the second chapter, I hope you guys like it and if you are reading my story please comment and vote I would love read your comments.

Thanks and sorry for the mistakes in the text.

I will upload soon.

Take care.

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