Chapter 25: Big Splashes and Cute Photos

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Chapter 25: Big Splashes and Cute Photos

"Do you think dinner will be ready?" Dinah asks, patting her stomach. It rumbles just on cue and we all laugh at the sound.

We've just arrived at Lauren's home and returned from the beach after having an amazing time. I especially had a wonderful time with Lauren because I felt so happy and free with her. She seemed to be enjoying herself, too, and I feel a sense of pride, knowing that it's partially because of me.

Anyway, we are now about to enter her house and we've noticed that there are quite a few cars parked around the house, meaning she may have some visitors.

"Let's find out," Lauren says with a smile, amused from Dinah's rumbling stomach. She pulls out her key and opens the door, walking in with us all following behind.

The smell of a perfectly cooked chicken fills my nose and my stomach rumbles at the smell, my hunger becoming more obvious. The others stomachs do the same and I'm guessing we're all just as hungry as each other.

"I thought I heard someone," Clara's voice resonates in the hallway, her figure becoming visible as she walks through the living room door and into the hallway. "How was your day, girls?"

We all speak at once, expressing our excitement from the day. This results in an amused smile from Clara and I'm pretty sure that even if she doesn't understand us due to us all speaking at once, she gets the gist of how the day went.

"I'm glad to hear you had fun." She laughs lightheartedly before settling on a small smile. "Anyway, there's some guests in the back garden," she fills us in. "We're having a barbecue. You lot can go and get ready and then come outside. We've made quite a bit of food."

We all nod our heads and immediately race upstairs, wanting to get ready and eat the food Clara speaks of.


"Just one please, Mike," I say politely, smiling at the older Jauregui. I hold out my plate for him and he picks up a chicken burger from the grill with a spatula, placing it in my bun. "Thank you."

"No problem." He smiles in return, nodding his head. "Enjoy."

I nod and send him one more smile before making my way to the condiments table which has been set up near the back door.

Quite a few of the Jauregui's friends are here for this barbecue they are holding. It's quite a family-friendly atmosphere, with the music playing in the background, the smell of Mike's amazing food wafting in the air, everyone looking happy and content as they indulge in the food and socialise with their friends. I can even see the girls sat on some deckchairs by the pool, laughing about something and enjoying their food. It's pretty fun.

As I'm squeezing some ketchup on my burger, I feel someone's presence beside me. When I look up, I see its Clara and smile at her. "Hey."

She smiles too and says, "How are you enjoying everything, Y/N?"

I put the top of my bun on my burger as I say, "Awesome. It's really fun and I'm thankful for you allowing us to stay here for the holidays."

I pick up my burger and take a bite as she responds. "I'm glad you're having fun. And it's no problem. I see how happy you girls make Lauren. I don't think it can get any better."

I smile and swallow my burger before taking another bite. What can I say? It tastes awesome.

"Have you ever thought of being with Lauren?" she asks like it's nothing, glancing to Lauren who is laughing at something Ally said, and then back to me who is currently choking on my burger.

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