Chapter 35: Bad Parties and Yellow-y-Oranges

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Chapter 35: Bad Parties and Yellow-y-Oranges

"Got any threes?" Dinah raises an eyebrow, eyeing me suspiciously.

I give her the same look and check my cards in hand. "Go fish."

She takes a card from the pile in the centre and places it in her hands, holding them all securely. "Your go, Ally."

"Okay." Ally nods, checking her cards before looking at Camila. "Mila. Got any tens?"

Camila checks her cards and sighs angrily to herself, pulling out two cards and sliding them over to a happy-looking Ally.

"Yay!" Ally cheers and places the cards on the side, along with one of her own cards.

"It hurts, doesn't it?" Normani grumbles to Camila, who only nods slowly and sighs.

I crack a smile at everyone's faces. Go Fish is only a fun game when you play it with these guys. Trust me.

Before I can have my go, the door to our dorm room opens and in walks Lauren with a smile on her face.

"What's up, everyone?" she asks us all, kissing my cheek before taking a seat on my lap.

I roll my eyes playfully and wrap my hand around her waist, my other hand still securely holding my cards.

"Nothing much." Dinah shrugs, smiling mischievously. "Camila is getting beat by Ally and Normani is getting beat by Camila, so the usual."

"Hey!" Normani and Camila say in unison as dear Allyson flips her hair over her shoulders sassily. It's funny how the tables have turned.

Lauren chuckles and her hands play with the one I have around her waist. "Nice one, Ally."

"So, what's up with you?" I ask her with a smile, setting my cards down on the carpet, making sure they aren't the wrong way around, before wrapping my other arm around her securely.

"Nothing much." She shrugs, leaning her head back onto my shoulder. She suddenly sits up straight again as she remembers something. "Ooh! I bumped into Michelle from Chemistry and she said that there's a party being held in the school dance building by one of the football players. Apparently they are celebrating some win they had yesterday at their game...? Anyway, everyone is invited and I was wondering if you guys wanted to go?"

"Can't," Camila answers immediately. "Ally and I have homework from form. Our teacher is making us create some PowerPoint or something, I don't know. I haven't read the question yet. It's due tomorrow, though, so we need to do it tonight."

Lauren pouts and looks to Normani and Dinah. "What about you guys? It'll be fun."

"I'm not really in a party mood, Lo," Dinah replies, offering an apologetic smile.

"Same, to be honest." Normani smiles at her apologetically.

Lauren sighs and looks to me with a hopeful glint in her intoxicating green eyes. "What about you, Y/N?"

"Um..." I pause, not knowing how to let her down. I'm not a party girl, I'm more of a stay inside and watch movies girl. Also, it's a school night tonight and I'm not in the mood to come back late and have a horrible morning tomorrow. "I'm sorry, Laur... You know I don't like parties."

Lauren sighs and nods her head. "Okay, fine. I guess I'm staying in tonight." She rests her head against my shoulder and I immediately feel bad for saying no. She obviously wanted to go tonight.

"Fine, I'll come," I give in reluctantly.

She shakes her head slowly and says, "It's okay. You don't have to. I don't want to force you to do something you don't want to do."

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