Chapter 18: Meeting the Parents and Christmas Gifts

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Chapter 18: Meeting the Parents and Christmas Gifts

Christmas and New Years was so memorable and I'm glad I got to spend it with my family and my best friends, well two of five of them. Lauren even stood by her word and texted me all the time, which made me laugh but also feel happy that she voluntarily texted me without me having to ask her to. The other girls text me, too and Ally, Camila and I rang them on Christmas and New Years to wish them a good celebration.

Now all that's over and we are going back to school. I'm actually really excited to go back to school for a change. Most likely to see my friends again, not because of the whole learning part. I can't wait for them all to receive their Christmas gifts; this year, we all did a secret Santa thing where we chose a random name out of a hat and that's who we buy our gift for. I just happened to get Lauren, which I'm pretty sure the girls did on purpose, but I'm not complaining. I'm just wondering who got me.

Right now, I'm looking out the window of the car and watching the outside world pass by. We are literally five minutes away from reaching the school and I've never felt more excited in my life. Well, maybe aside from going to that Halloween party, but still.

"We're here!" My dad exclaims cheerfully from the front seat.

I grin widely as I see the familiar surroundings of Eastmont Academy. It's good to be back.

Once we've parked up, I jump out of the minivan as soon as the it's still and my eyes dart around the car park for any of my friends. It's pretty busy and full of students who are unpacking their luggage with their relatives, ready to resume and finish their school year.

"Y/N?" I hear a familiar voice call from behind me. I slowly turn around and am instantly met with a tight embrace. Yep, that's Dinah.

"It's good to see you, DJ," I laugh lightly, returning her hug.

She pulls away and looks at me with a smile. "You, too. I missed you so much!"

I flip my hair behind my shoulder and tease her. "Well, of course you did."

She rolls her eyes playfully and shoves my shoulder lightly. "Girl, do you want me to give you a poly beat down? 'Cause I can."

I chuckle lightly and shake my head. "I'm good."

"Thought so," she smirks, causing me to hug her again. I missed her sense of humour.

"Y/N, I understand you missed your friends, but please can you assist your father and I in unpacking the car?" I hear my mother say from behind me.

I turn around and see she is opening the boot, ready to take my luggage out. I nod and go the the car, Dinah trailing behind.

"It's good to see you guys again," Dinah grins at my parents, who happily return the gesture.

"You, too, sweetie," my mum says with a kind smile, opening her arms for a hug. "It's never too early to ask for hugs, right?"

I drag my hand down my face in embarrassment as Dinah laughs and embraces my mum in a loose hug. When they pull away, Dinah seems to get an idea.

"I'm sure my parents would love to meet you guys," she says with a smile. "Just let me get them."

Both my parents nod and Dinah disappears. Meanwhile, I help my parents with the luggage. As we are unloading the car, another car parks beside us and as soon as the person steps out the backseat, they run towards me.

"Y/N!" her raspy voice shouts, clearly giving away how happy she is. She immediately wraps her arms around my shoulders and gives me a warm hug.

"Lauren," I laugh lightly, holding her, too. I can't help but smile at the warmth of her hug; I missed this. I missed her. The raspberry scent emanating from her body fills my nostrils and makes me feel lightheaded due to how amazing it is. That's Lauren for you.

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