Chapter 3: Wrong Bows and Odd One Outs

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Chapter 3: Wrong Bows and Odd One Outs

"I can't believe you guys did that," I say, trying to stifle my laughter, still not over the events that happened in the canteen.

Once we ran out of there, we went back to our room and I had a shower, (which by the way is really awesome over here), and got changed into some fresh clothes. We still have the rest of the school day to go, but lunch isn't over for another twenty minutes yet, so for now, we are just chilling in our room. Now I'm drying my hair with my towel as the girls are still laughing about what they did to Ashley. And to be honest, I can't help but laugh, too.

"She deserved it," Camila shrugs like it's no big deal. "She hurts our friend? We hurt her."

Ally nods in agreement, adding, "And if someone says hurtful things to you, then you aren't going to stand there and take it, are you?"

A small smile plays on my lips as I say, "I love you guys so much. Thank you for being there for me. You're literally the bestest friends I can ask for." They smile bashfully and lean in to give me our signature group hug. I continue and say, "And don't listen to her. You aren't that small, Ally, and you don't have goggle eyes, Camila."

They both laugh with amusement and Ally says, "Puh-lease, Y/N.  We wouldn't believe her for a second. People who put you down are really just jealous of you."

"And what's there not to be jealous of? We be flawless," Camila adds and flips her hair over her shoulder, resulting in laughter from Ally and I.

"I'm just surprised her and Lauren are dating," I say honestly, voicing my thoughts. "They are literally polar opposites."

"Dating?" Camila and Ally both say in unison, surprise registering on their face.

I nod. "I saw them kissing in home room this morning, and pretty much every lesson after that. Did you guys really not see them?"

They weren't exactly hard to miss...

They shake their heads and Ally says, "We don't really watch them twenty-four-seven."

Camila laughs at her comment and I feel my face heat up as I go to the plug socket to plug in my hair-dryer. "Anyway," I start, hoping they don't see my blush, "I wonder how next lesson will be seeing as I'm pretty sure Ashley is in it."

They both laugh, probably imagining the future, and Camila says, "I'm pretty sure she won't be bothering us for a while now."

I roll my eyes playfully and smile at them both. I'm just thankful to have two best friends who are always there for me.


The last two lessons of the day both have Ashley in it, and as soon as the girls and I walk in, we receive a few pats on the back from other students, as well as a burning glare from Ashley. We don't really care though, because she doesn't seem to be doing anything else aside from glaring. But if looks could kill, I'm sure I would be a pile of tiny Y/N pieces right about now.

On the other hand, Lauren is in both classes, too, and I don't think she is aware of the 'fight' that took place at lunch seeing as she is as smiley as usual. Maybe Ashley didn't tell her? Lauren treats her the same, which I guess I shouldn't expect any different. I mean, she would obviously take her girlfriend's side over mine, right?

All my classes today have been the same: welcoming everyone back, receiving new exercise books and going over this year's curriculum. Pretty boring I guess, but better than actual work. I'm just glad to hear the final bell signalling it's the end of the school day; we are finally free to leave class.

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