Chapter 38: Not So Surprising Assemblies and Honesty Hours

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Chapter 38: Not So Surprising Assemblies and Honesty Hours

After having such an eventful night, I'm not surprised when I gain looks from other students as I walk to my classes. Obviously word spreads fast round here. A few people even ask me if I'm okay, which I think is pretty thoughtful. Some call me brave for going back into the fire to save Lauren, which I shrug off. I don't want to be praised for something like that.

All day, I did classes as normal, well as normal as I could without speaking. My voice still hasn't come back yet, but it should be by tomorrow, I'm hoping. The girls check on me at break and lunch, and I feel Lauren's eyes on me in all my classes. But I ignore her. I know she's worried, but I just can't deal with her right now.

Surprisingly, I don't see Ashley in any classes today. I would have expected her to tease and rub it in my face that she ruined my relationship with Lauren, but she isn't even in. I'm not complaining, though. I don't think I can handle today if she comes.

At the end of all my classes, the head teacher of the school called an assembly for everyone to attend to in the school's gym. It's kind of expected seeing as they need to discuss the consequences of the party and the fire. So, that's where I am now. Seated in between Dinah and Ally in the bleachers as I watch the head teacher and all the other teachers watch us.

"Good afternoon, everyone," his loud voice booms into the microphone in front of him. "You probably already know why we are here."

When he says this, everyone begins to mutter between themselves, some even sending me stares, making me feel self conscious. Dinah seems to notice and squeezes my hand reassuringly, which I smile at her thankfully.

"Okay, that's enough," Mr. Rogers says, glancing out at everyone. "I want to acknowledge the recent events that occurred on Friday night. The school's football team threw a party, of which we gave authorisation for them to have, as long as they act responsibly. Unfortunately, our trust was abused and alcohol was brought."

He looks between everyone's not so surprised faces, sending them a disappointed stare.

"We have successfully dealt with those who brought the alcohol, and severe consequences have been put into action. This may be why some of your fellow classmates haven't been in class today."

Was Ashley one of the people who brought in alcohol? Does that mean she isn't coming back?

He sighs into the microphone, shaking his head disappointedly. "We want you to know that when your time does come to drink alcohol, you must do so with caution. Getting drunk may be fun at the time, but the after effect? Not so much."

No one responds, not even a mutter goes between anyone.

"Okay, so now that is out of the way," he continues, "we can move onto the next issue that has arisen. The fire. As you know, a fire broke out during the party, causing a lot of damage and injuring a lot of people."

When he says this, everyone turns my way and I don't think I've ever felt more uncomfortable in my life. I avoid their stares and focus on my shoes.

"Take a picture. It'll last longer!" Lauren growls to them all, causing them to turn away and turn back to Mr. Rogers. Even Mr. Rogers turns away from me, obviously feeling intimidated by Lauren.

I lift my head and manage to catch a glimpse of Lauren looking antsy and running her hands through her hair. She doesn't notice me staring, so before she does, I focus my attention back to the front.

"After some investigating," Mr. Rogers continues, "we discovered that the fire wasn't accidental, but in fact deliberate."

Everyone immediately erupts into conversation, creating a loud noise in the gym. Mr. Rogers bangs his fist against his podium, gaining the attention of everyone.

A Not So Innocent Crush | a Lauren/You FanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum