Chapter 43: Hard Floors and New Adventures

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Chapter 43: Hard Floors and New Adventures 

Joining Eastmont Academy at the beginning of this year was a big adventure for me to embark on. I was a shy, introverted girl with only two (of the greatest) friends by my side. I assumed I would get through school, graduate, then move onto another adventure.

But then Lauren happened.

The first day of school, I found someone that I never imagined I would see again. Like, ever. But she impacted my life greatly, and I will never forget that...

"Y/N, is that you?" the raven-haired girl looks up at me in disbelief with her startling green eyes. I can never forget those eyes.

"Y/F/N, right?" she asks again, saying my full name to confirm it's me, an eyebrow raised. "Do you remember me? Lauren Jauregui?"

The first thing she said to me, and of course, I was my awkward self, as usual. But I grew out of that eventually. I still had Ally and Camila by my side, anyway, despite my awkwardness, and even if they did do some hasty things at times, they had my back. And they made that pretty clear...

I feel the girls stop and know what they're about to do, but before I can stop them, they both grab the jugs of juice and throw the juice all over Ashley. Everyone's eyes widen, including Ashley's who is squealing.

Ally and Camila high five and Camila smirks at Ashley, saying, "I'm sorry, I didn't realise I needed more than two jugs of juice to wash off your makeup."

The whole canteen erupts into laughter and I crack a smile at Camila's insult. Ashley doesn't reply, but instead stands there with a bright red face, either from embarrassment, anger, or both.

Ally takes this as her chance to say, "I can almost hear the gears in your mind trying to think of a comeback."

Everyone laughs again and the girls smirk, turn around to face me, and walk out the canteen whilst dragging me out with them.

I never could stick up for myself, and I had many memories of when the girls stood up to my 'enemies', but that one, by far, I would always remember. My awkward, clumsy self got me into another mess, but Camila and Ally got me out of it. Despite not knowing it was Lauren's girlfriend.

Further to this, I never imagined myself gaining three new friends by joining this school, either. I kind of imagined it being Ally, Camila and I forever – the three musketeers for life, right? Of course I'm grateful we found the others, though...

I walk up to them and don't really know how to converse, so being the awkward human I am, I put out my hand for them to shake. "Um, hi, I'm Y/N."

Dinah and Normani both look at each other and grin wildly before embracing me in a tight hug. I'm caught off guard as I am being squished by two strangers, and I hear Lauren and the girls giggling behind me as Normani and Dinah release me.

"Sorry about that," Normani smiles sheepishly. "We're huggers."

Those two girls definitely intimidated me at first, no doubt about it. But as we all grew closer, I realised that they were just as annoying yet awesome as Camila and Ally. I never thought they liked me in all honesty, but Dinah was the first to prove me wrong...

"Oh, yeah," she laughs and looks at me. "Ally and Camila told Mani and I about your not so subtle crush on Lauren-" my eyes widen when she says this. I'm gonna kill Ally and Camila. "-and we think it's adorable!"

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